Thursday, April 17, 2014


 ~ for challenges which help be grow and become stronger

~ for choosing to live life slowly, and with intention

~ for the beauty of Mother Nature

~ for the promise this time of year holds

~ for the little things that make me smile

~ for the little bits of magic I choose to see every day

~ for being accepted for who I am

~ for friends, near and far, who are always there, ready to listen, offer advice and share this amazing journey with me

What are you grateful for today?


  1. Spring is there and I know how happy you are to see it arrive.
    I am grateful today that the sun is shining and the whole day is open to just about anything, can't wait to see what happens.

    1. It is and we are enjoying it to the fullest :) That is exciting Tracey, have a wonderful day.

  2. How beautiful spring is near your place... Can't wait for nature to come alive here. (it's -9'C felt here this morning.) What am I grateful for? A "before the clock" family style wake-up giving us tons of snuggle and giggle time in bed before going about our day! :-)

    Have a great one! xo

    1. It is, and we are enjoying every little bit of it. It was chilly here this morning too, but it has warmed up quite a bit, I think we are flirting with +10 :) That sounds lovely, morning snuggles are the best!

  3. lovely list. i am grateful for all of the blooms and color around us.. makes this rainy, dreary day seem a little brighter!

    1. Thanks, and that is something to be grateful for, I am patiently waiting for the colour to pop around here.

  4. Beautiful images, beautifully put. We just had a foot of snow dump yesterday, yet I KNOW there are crocuses under it all, and that makes me smile. Be well.

    1. Thank you! Yikes, not fun at all, but knowing there are crocuses under all the snow is definitely a good thing :)

  5. I always feel relaxed when I visit your space and for that I am grateful :) My list: sunshine, walks, good food, mornings, knitting, my kids on the phone, the evenings of relaxing and recounting the day.

    1. Awe, thank you Karen, that is so nice to hear. Now that is one good list.

  6. The very happy combination of school holidays and good weather would be quite high up my list this week. Lovely pictures of Spring emerging there, and as always a very precious list of gratitude.

    1. It is always wonderful when good weather and holidays go hand in hand, lucky you. Thank you.

  7. So much beauty in gratitude! I'm grateful for time with family and waking up to cuddles from my girls xx

  8. Those buds look like a strange new world. I am grateful for time spent in a friends garden today drinking herbal tea and listening to the bull frogs croak in her pond.

    1. That sounds lovely KC. I am looking forward to sitting in my garden drinking tea...soon :)

  9. How beautiful, I love close-ups of plants!
    Today I am especially grateful for the fresh green I saw all around, it seemed to be glowing!

    1. Me too, but you figured that out :) I love this time of year when everything is blooming and green, you are so right, it often seems like it is glowing. Enjoy!
