Saturday, December 31, 2016


A photo of my little man, once a month, on the last day of each month, in 2016

Reece, what a year, little man, and here we are on the last day of 2016 standing strong, together. It has been an unbelievable year with you, watching you learn, grow and change before my eyes, moving from little boy to young man. What a joy it has been. 

This morning, to celebrate the end of this year and the beginning of the new year, we grabbed our snowshoes and your new toboggan and headed out to our favourite trail. We snowshoed in, and then settled in at the big hill for some fun. And gosh, did we have fun! Together we flew down the hill, laughing the entire way. There were snacks to be enjoyed and warm cups of tea, and then more tobogganing before putting our snowshoes back on and heading back to the car. It was the perfect way to spend the morning and early afternoon. 

And tonight, well, we will settle in for a quiet night at home. There will be some special treats, sparklers outside, and a movie, and then I will tuck you in one last time for 2016. 

I love you Reece, more than you know, and I can't wait to see where 2017 take us.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sitting in the Glow

How are you, my friends? I hope you are well, and have enjoyed a joy filled Christmas. I have been meaning to pop into this space to wish you a wonderful Christmas, to share a bit of our days, to just check in, but every time I sit down to write I am pulled away. Pulled away by the call of quiet, peaceful days with board games, walks in the snow, reading, playing, watching movies, and so on. That's what we've been up to, my little man and I, and we have enjoyed it immensely. We spent Christmas day at my parents home, and after that snuggled up at our home for days on end. We did sneak out yesterday to an afternoon matinee at the movie theater, a special treat gifted to us by a friend before the holidays, but other than that the days have been slow and easy, simple and quiet, sitting in the glow of the holiday season.

Now before you get the idea that our time at home this season has been all sunshine and happy, it hasn't. Like all families we have our messy moments too, and being at home, all day, just the two of us....yeah we have had our share of those moments. But that comes with life, doesn't it? The little dance between humans living, working, creating, and playing in the same space day after day. It isn't always pretty, and it isn't always an easy road, but it certainly is a beautiful road, a beautiful mess, and one I am grateful for.

So, yes, we have had our lovely Hallmark moments this week, and we've also had our not so lovely, messy moments too, but in all the glow, and in all the mess what I find is a happy contentment. My heart is happy, my soul is full, and my home, and life, are filled with love. There really isn't anything more I need. The simplest things make for a happy life, truly, and this season I am happy. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

On Winter Solstice

The day began as any other, me and my mat in front of the fire, finding peace and calm with yoga and meditation. It was a quiet and comforting way to bring in winter solstice, and welcome the returning light.

Once centered for my day, an excited little man was up and celebrating in his own way, the shortest day and longest night of the year, by gearing up and heading outside. It was a beautiful morning, and we enjoyed some time outside in the yard together before coming in for breakfast.

The rest of the day was slow and easy. Time in the woods.....hiking, building ice fairy homes, following tracks and soaking up Mother Nature. Back at home we dug out the fire pit, lit a fire and let the light of the fire guide us into the darkest night of the year.

I took a few quiet moments to reflect on the last year as I sat by the fire, and then I slowly opened my journals from the last two years and added them page by page to the fire. It was therapeutic to watch as each page burned in the flames, pages of my story, my fears, my hurts, my loves, my life. I used a lot of those pages to work through the most difficult time of my life and that time is over now, and so the pages have served their purpose, and were no longer needed. Following the burning of those pages, I placed in the fire my intention bundle for the coming year. Written in the bundle are my hopes and dreams for the coming year, the things I want to accomplish, and the intentions I want to carry with me into 2017. It's a tradition I started quite a few years ago, and one I hold dear to my heart.

As the fire died on our solstice evening, what remained was our own light. It is that light that we will carry forward with us into the new year, a year that I have a feeling is going to be ridiculously amazing!

Happy Winter Solstice, my friends. May the returning light shine bright on you and your family. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

These Days

And so it begins, the slow and easy shift into the holidays. I realize not everyone does a slow and easy shift into the holiday season, but it is something we have practiced and perfected in our home over the years, and it feels just right, for us. We have tied up our homeschool lessons, the kiddos that join us on our homestead are home with their families for the next two weeks, and what lies  before my little man and I is space, open space to do what we want, when we want. It feels good.

We have no big plans for the next two weeks. Yes, there will be time with family and friends, definitely some tobogganing and snowshoeing, movie watching, crafting, and so much more, but there will also be quiet nights at home in front of the fire, and slow mornings snuggling in bed reading, together. Saturday night the two of us watched a Christmas movie together, both of us knitting away. It was perfect, and made my heart so happy.

It's quiet here as I type this, early on Sunday morning. My little man is still sleeping, the world outside my window is white, and the wind is picking up and swirling the snow. Inside my home is aglow with twinkle lights, and the fire is warming, not only my home, but my heart and soul. It's comforting, and calm, and fills me with a sense of peace, and joy.

I love this time of year, not for the crazy hustle and bustle that it usually brings, but instead for the quiet solace I find in not letting myself get caught up with the busy. I know some thrive on the busy, the unexpected. Not me. I much prefer the slow, quiet shuffle into the season, with a focus on finding space to just be, and tune into what it is my heart and soul needs.

My hope for you, my friends, is that this season is what you want it to be. Maybe it is busy and you enjoy the hustle and bustle, or maybe it is slow and simple, with a bit of quiet on the side. Whatever it is, sink into it, soak up the moments, and enjoy.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Eight Feels Big

My little man turned eight a month ago, and I still can't wrap my head around it. For some reason eight feels big. Really not much has changed, well with the exception of a bit of attitude and a little questioning of authority...I mean mom really doesn't know everything does she. But somehow it all feels so different.

I watch him sleep at night, his long body almost filling the length of the bed, arms and legs splaying everywhere, I see the changes in his face, the changes that make him look more like a young man instead of my little man, but then I hear the pitter patter of his little feet on the stairs at 4am when he sneaks up to my bed to snuggle and I feel his heart beating next to mine when he reaches out to give me a hug and I know my little man is still in there. He is walking the line right now, on the edge of something new, and he is testing it, trying it on for size, but then stepping back to the safety and comfort of what he knows.

It's interesting to watch, and has me wondering why eight feels so big. Maybe eight feels so big because he seems to be changing so much these days. There is growth physically, emotionally, seems every day something is new or different about him. Or maybe it feels so big because he is starting to let go and find his independence. He is walking his edges, taking chances he wouldn't have taken just a few months ago. Or maybe it's that I feel like it is all going so darn fast and I just want to stop time and soak up extra moments with him. Whatever it is, eight feels big, really big.

So, when my eight year old sneaks into my bed in the early morning hours, I don't shoo him away, I pull the covers back and tell him to snuggle up, because one day soon he isn't going to sneak into my bed. And when he asks for just one more snuggle when he should be sleeping, I will walk right back into his room and snuggle him close, because one day soon he isn't going to ask anymore. And when he reaches out for a big hug, or asks me to hold him I will do exactly that, because one day soon he might not ask.

So yes, eight feels big, big in a way that makes my heart ache, big in a way I didn't imagine. My little man is growing up, in a big way, and all I can do is continue to enjoy the ride.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Finding Our Tree

Last year my little man and I began a few new traditions around the holiday season, one of which was heading to the woods behind our home to find our Christmas tree instead of going to the tree farm. It was a tradition we continued this year.

The second week of Advent began yesterday, and in keeping with the week of plants, the Advent gnome left a message that it was the day to cut down and decorate the tree. Let me tell you, I had one excited little man on my hands. We enjoyed breakfast, and then bundled up for a hike out back. We walked, searching for just the right tree, and it didn't take us too long to find it. Together we cut it down and dragged it back home.

As the Christmas music played, the two of us decorated our tree, remembering years past as we unpacked handmade decorations. It is amazing to me what he remembers, what he has attached to this time of year, and all of it makes my heart happy.

When the tree was done we stood back and admired our work. It isn't the most perfect tree, and it's tiny, but it's ours and we love it!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


A photo of my little man, once a month, on the last day of each month, in 2016

Reece, on our hike last weekend you were a wild nature boy, running free through the meadows. It was a joy to watch, and a dream come true for me. I love seeing you in nature, watching you connect with the world around you, and enjoying the space to run, wild and free. Nature connection has always been a big part of our lives. Our early days had you in the carrier, watching and connecting from the comfort of my back. Later you would toddle along the trails, stopping to watch ants, and bugs. Now you run ahead, comfortable on the trails and in the woods, you stop to climb trees, or to grab a stick, and sometimes you fall in step beside me and reach out for my hand. I am so happy, little man, that nature has called to your heart as it did mine. It's a special gift, to feel connected to nature, to know you can go to the woods and find connection with not only Mother Nature, but also with yourself. I hope you will always enjoy time in the woods, and that you will find the peace and solace she has offered me for so many years.

Monday, November 28, 2016

The Advent Season

The first light of Advent is the light of stones
The light that shines in crystals in seashells and in bones
The second light of Advent is the light of plants
Green plants that reach up to the light and in the breezes dance
The third light of Advent is the light of beasts
That shines in all creatures in greatest and in least
The fourth light of Advent is the human light
The light of hope and of thought, to know and do what’s right

~ Rudolf Steiner ~

The Advent season began yesterday, and with it the journey of light and preparation. Our Advent spiral was placed on our dining room table yesterday, and last night at dinner the first candle was lit and Joseph and Mary began their journey.

This has become a family tradition, something that marks the season for us, and is a huge part of our yearly rhythm. As many of you know, rhythm and ritual are big parts of my life with my little man. These rituals guide us, bringing us closer to the earth, her seasons, and the festivals and celebrations that flow through the year. What made this year really special was the small reminders I received last week from my little man that this weekend was the beginning of Advent, and that I shouldn't forget to get the spiral out, and the Advent gnome. These rituals are part of who he is, he remembers them, they are in him, and my heart is warmed knowing that these rituals mean so much to him.

Of course with the beginning of Advent the Advent gnome made his appearance. Each week of Advent has a different focus, this first week is on stones, and so our Advent activities, delivered each morning by the Advent gnome, will focus on that. Yesterday we hiked and collected rocks, and today we will wet felt those rocks. Tomorrow we will make window stars, and Wednesday snowflakes. As we move through Advent opportunities for kindness activities come up. During animal week we will make bird feeders to feed our feathered friends, and leave salt licks in the woods for the deer. Human week provides us opportunities to buy food for the food bank, pack Christmas hampers, bake cookies for friends, and offer a gift through World Vision. Advent is a time of sharing our light, and letting it shine on others, and that is what we intend to do.

Yesterday also saw us create our rock spiral. This spiral, made with rocks during this first week of Advent, is just a little something extra to bring to life this season for my little man. Each day the Advent gnome also leaves a wooden star, and my little man replaces a stone with the star, letting the starlight lead us to Christmas day. It's an activity that allows him to witness the journey in a tangible way, and he loves it!

I honestly love this time of year, and this year with all the light I have been so blessed to receive, it feels extra special.

How are you celebrating Advent this year?

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Receiving the Light

The Martinmas season is one of flaming our inner light, and sharing it with others. That inner light is always burning, at times it burns brightly, at other times it dims in the darkness. My inner light was dimming in some darkness, it was struggling to stay lit, fighting for the chance to shine, but that all changed late last week. Friday afternoon I walked out to the mailbox to find a love bomb. Have you ever been love bombed? Let me tell you it is amazing! In the package I found a beautiful note from a friend, with an inspirational quote and a small gift, a gemstone. It made me day, and if you guessed it flamed my inner light, you guessed right. My heart was full, full of love and warmth.

Little did I know, that first love bomb was just the beginning. Saturday I was love bombed again, this time in public, at my hair salon. Another beautiful note, inspirational quote and small gift from a friend. And yes, I cried, in public. What has followed in the days since are similar love bombs from my beautiful, loving, caring, and thoughtful tribe of women that I choose to surround myself with. Meaningful words of love and compassion, inspirational quotes, and small very meaningful gifts, all shared with me in an attempt to brighten my world at the moment. An attempt that has been fully successful.

I have never been on the receiving end of so much light giving, and I am overwhelmed, in a good way. As they shine their light on me, the strength of my light grows, and in that light I am finding my strength and courage to keep moving forward, to keep dreaming and manifesting and to shine my own inner light.


To my beautiful tribe, you know who you are, thank you doesn't even begin to share with you my gratitude and love for the light you have been sharing with me. I am brought to tears just thinking about it. My deepest gratitude to all of you, I will never forget the beauty you have shared with me. It means the world to me. Love you all.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Link Love

A few things I am loving this week....

A great post on kindness in our homes

A fun project for the whole family with an added bonus...more kindness

This podcast....amazing!

A change in perspective is empowering

Many of you ask what curriculum I use here at home...this one, and we love it!

Currently reading this, and I highly recommend it

In the pile of books beside my bed you will find, this, and this, not quite sure which one I will read next

Currently reading this to my little man....such a great book, first time I have read it

This book is on my Christmas wish list

Everyone loves my lunar phase calendar, you can order one here

Wishing you all the most beautiful weekend. Enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday Morning Thoughts

I just watched as the most stunning moon dipped behind the tree line. Did you see it last night or this morning? Gorgeous, full, bright, it took my breath away. Nature never ceases to amaze me, and always leaves me with a feeling of hope and lightness. I am feeling light this morning. Maybe it is the yoga I finished a short while ago, maybe it is steps I took this weekend to bring more peace into my life, maybe it is the love and support of friends and family, maybe it is the excitement around new studies I am undertaking, maybe it is the energy shift this moon is suppose to bring. Whatever it is, I am feeling light, and happy. It's a good feeling.

My little man and I spent time in the woods out behind our home on Saturday. He took his remote control monster truck to ride the trail and the big hills, I took clippers and gently pruned evergreens, offering gratitude with each snip. The pile of evergreens turned into beautiful winter decorations that are now adorning the fence and my home. Lights were put up too, and all of sudden it feels like the holiday season around here. Inside we pulled out a few seasonal decorations, and added a little wintry touch, while Christmas music played in the background. I do love this time of year, not for the commercial gift giving side of things, but for the hope, love and light this season tends to bring.

There are always challenges in life, and I have had my fair share throughout the last year, but I have learned one thing....attitude is everything. Challenges have attempted to bring me down, to take away this precious time I have with my little man, and each day I say no, not today. I won't let the obstacles prevent me from living a life full of joy, and intention. Yes, some days that is harder than others, but every day I get up, I plant my feet firmly on the earth and start fresh. Each day is a new beginning, and I get to choose how I live it. I get to choose the story I write on the blank page each day. My story this last year is filled with things I never thought would be written in the pages of my life, but they are there, and honestly, those things have brought me to where I am right now, so maybe that journey served a purpose. I am a stronger, more resilient person than I was a year ago. I am, sadly, more aware of the ill intentions of others, which has definitely put me in a position of being much less trusting, but I have hope, in time, that trust will find a way back into my life, one day.

As my little man and I step forward into this special time of year, I am holding onto the hope, love and light surrounding this season. I am leaning into the joy and goodness that is shared among friends and family, and strangers too. I am stepping forward into my most favourite time of the year happy, strong and content.

My friends, I wish you the most wonderful start to your week.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Letting Our Light Shine

"The sunlight slow is dwindling
My little lamp needs kindling
It shines so bright in darkness night
Dear lantern guard me with your light."

Yesterday we celebrated Martinmas with a lantern walk in the woods with our friends. We took time during our homeschool days this week to make our lanterns, I shared the story of St. Martin, and we talked about our own inner light, and how we can shine it out into the world. To say I would love this festival would be an understatement, it is one of my favourite festivals and I look forward to it every year.

If you are not familiar with Martinmas, it is the story of St. Martin. St. Martin was a soldier in Rome in the 4th century. Legend says that one wintry night he met a poor beggar, half-naked and freezing. Martin removed the heavy military cloak from his shoulders and, drawing his sword, cut it in two, and gave half to the beggar. That night, Christ appeared to Martin in a dream, wrapped in the same piece of cloak Martin had given the beggar, and said: “Martin has covered me with this garment.” Martin became the patron saint of beggars, drunks and outcasts, dedicating his life to assisting the unfortunate and downcast. Martinmas celebrates his kindness, compassion and selflessness. Lanterns are a traditional part of the celebration as a reminder of the light that shines in each and every one of us, and that we must share and spread this light.

I love sharing this festival with children, reminding them they have an inner light, and that by shining and sharing their inner light, and being kind to others they can change the world, one kind act at a time. In honour of St. Martin my little man and I went shopping for hats and mitts to share with children in need. A small gift that we hope helps to keep them warm this winter.

Martinmas falls on November 11, also Remembrance Day here in Canada. Over the years it has become our family tradition to be present at our local cenotaph for the Remembrance Day ceremony honouring those who have fought, and those who continue to fight, for this life we are so blessed to lead. It was a chilly day, but the sun was shining, and standing there with my little man, celebrating the bravery of so many Canadians, warmed my heart. 

This week, for many, has been tough. There is a lot of uncertainty, and fear, but I know one thing for sure...we can never go wrong by sharing our inner light with others, offering love and kindness to all people, and remaining hopeful that goodness and love will prevail. Hang in there, my friends, and let your inner light shine, it will, without a doubt, light up the darkness and lead us forward to a better place. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Podcast Love

A few weeks ago I shared with you one of my new morning rituals...listening to podcasts. A few of you were very interested in what I have been listening to, and so today I share with you the podcasts that have been inspiring me. 

The Good Life Project is amazing! And GLP Radio is one of my favourite. Inspiring conversations with people who are interesting, full of life, and sharing their wisdom and light. I highly recommend stopping in here and just pick one, honestly I don't think you could make a wrong choice. So much goodness, so much inspiration.

Lori Harder's motto is "we earn our happy every day" and her podcasts titled Earn Your Happy are full of amazing tidbits of inspiration to earn your happy. Some of her podcasts are short ten minute quickies, and others are longer, more in depth interviews. Whatever you choose you won't be disappointed.

Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert. Have you read the book Big Magic? If not, you should. And take some time to listen in on her Magic Lesson podcasts. So many inspiring messages and wonderful thought provoking conversations.

Tuesday and Thursday mornings are my podcast mornings. I rise early, at 5am, put the kettle on and gather my notebooks and pens. I light a few candles, and sit back with my coffee and let the inspiration and magic flow. I take notes, lots of notes. I let the messages and inspiration sink in. I wonder just how what I am hearing and learning fits into my life now, or maybe later. I become inspired, and in turn happy and excited. Excited for the things that are floating around in my head, excited about learning and growing, excited about the next steps I will take on this path I journey. Life is meant to be enjoyed, to it's fullest potential, and these podcasts provide me with inspiration to keep right on doing that no matter the obstacles that present themselves.

So, my friends, grab a coffee or tea, your notebook and pen, and join me for a little inspiration. I guarantee you won't be disappointed. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

A Birthday Hike

The birthday boy picked the hiking trail, and away we went. It is one of our favourite places, Lynde Shore Conservation Area. Within the woods at this magical spot you can feed chickadees and chipmunks from you hand, the squirrels come up close to check you out and coax you into tossing a peanut their way, the geese and ducks hang out under foot, and the trees speak in whispers as you walk quietly on the earth along the trail. It truly is a magical spot.

My little man and I spent our time on the trail doing the things he loves, feeding the birds and climbing trees. As he climbed, I stood hand outstretched waiting for those chickadees. That, combined with the most gorgeous autumn day made for perfection. 

As with most times when we get off the trail, we were hungry. So we headed north to Port Perry for a lunch date in one of our favourite restaurants, Marwan's Global Bistro. Good food, with the best company makes for the perfect date. 

After lunch we headed home, played, read, and enjoyed a quiet night at home. It was a great day with my newly minted eight year old. Thank you little man, for a wonderful day, celebrating you.

Monday, November 7, 2016

A Morning by the Water

With a planned break in our homeschool rhythm last week, I am sure it is no surprise to most of you that we took some time to play in nature. Nature connection is part of our every day, but to have the space to extend our adventures, and to travel a little further than our usual destinations was a gift. One day last week we found ourselves on the shores of Lake Ontario at Presquile Provincial Park. Gosh it is beautiful there. We meandered along a wooded trail, finding our way to the beach, the deserted beach, and soaked up a chilly, but beautiful morning by the water.

I find being by the water so peaceful, and I feel such a calm contentment as I listen to the waves roll into shore, one on top of the other. As I stood, breathing in the fresh air, and taking in the beauty of our surroundings, my little man ran free on the beach, drew self images in the sand, and played happily by the water.

When it was time to go, we wandered back along the wooded path that brought us here and were surprised by not one, but two garter snakes. I was surprised to see them, but with the warm fall we have had I guess they are enjoying a little more sunshine before hibernating for the winter. My little man enjoyed seeing them up close, they were a little slow moving, which allowed for some great observation, and some light handling.

Time spend in nature, by the water, with my little man, it really doesn't get much better than that.

Have the most wonderful start to your week, my friends.