It will be no surprise to any of you that I head to the woods when I need time to think, and this week I made sure to create the space that allowed me to walk the quiet trails near our home, alone. This was time for me, to reflect on the last year, to notice my own personal growth, to create awareness of just how far I have come, and to focus on the path ahead.
2014 has been a good year in so many different ways. Yes, there have been disappointments, and struggles, but all of it has brought me to this place I stand today, and I wouldn't change any of it. I feel more like me than I ever have before. I am living a life that has been carefully crafted, with Justin, over the years. It is far from perfect, but we were never aiming for perfect. We have been moving towards fulfilling our dreams, creating a life that is truly our own, and enjoying the journey, because really that is the most important part, right?
As I, and we, move into 2015, we have creative goals in mind. Personally, I want to write more...poetry, prose, short essays. I know to become a better writer I need to read more, not gardening, homeschooling or nature related books, but fiction, well written fiction. This list of recommendations will come in handy. I want to explore skills from the past, carving, basket weaving, and fire making. I made a bow drill, and over the last few years have been successful in making a few coals and starting a fire, but it isn't consistent, this year I want to bring consistency to it. Justin has created his own list of creative goals, and as a family we are set up to begin family art nights next week. Family art nights are a way to bring us together to create. We are always creating in our home. Reece and I spend a lot of time during our homeschooling days creating, and Justin is always busy with something artistic in his workshop, but it is a rare occasion when we all sit down together to create. The three of us are really looking forward to this, and can't wait to get started next week.
We, of course, have plans for this little family homestead. There will be more chickens and some ducklings in the spring, we are enjoying our winter garden, and with the tunnels and cold frames set up we will get an early start on our summer garden this year, and hopefully, I will be working with a bee keeper, a gentleman in our area who has offered to mentor me this summer.
The one thing in my reflections I have not been able to pinpoint is a personal development goal. It seems to be eluding me at the moment. At first I thought I might just let the new year get started and reflect a little more throughout January. But then I read this post about choosing how you want to feel as opposed to setting goals. Because as Carrie-Anne says: "when I know how I truly, deep down in my soul want to feel, then I will act accordingly to build a life that sustains me."
So how do I want to feel this year:
~ grateful ~ content ~ joy filled ~ authentic ~ creative ~ inspired ~
~ abundant ~ attentive ~ productive ~ purposeful ~ open ~ connected ~
These are the feelings that will guide me. I will nourish myself through what I think and what I do, based on how I want to feel, and in doing so I will continue to build a life that sustains not only me, but my family.
Thank you 2014 for a wonderful year, you have taught me so much, and showed me that this path we walk is right for us in so many ways. And a big warm welcome to 2015, I am ready for the hope and possibility that you bring.