Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Morning, Noon and Night

Morning, noon and night...three little peeks into my day yesterday.

Morning, 11am

 Noon, 12:15pm

Night, 8:30pm

   ***If you would like to play along leave your link in the comments section so I can stop by and visit.*** 


  1. Oh how lovely - I like the look of the stars, were you decorating candles?

    1. Thanks Carie. We used the stars to make a garland. He had so much fun punching them out of the beeswax.

  2. you have a cozy home and a cozy life. What are you going to do with the beeswax stars?

    1. Thanks Karen, I like cozy :) We used them to make a star garland. It is hanging in our kitchen window and looks wonderful.

  3. you are such a tease with pictures sometimes ;) what are you making? It looks like it smelled lovely. Getting a jump on Christmas cards.. I need to start still. ooops. Take care.

    1. The first photo was some evergreen we collected on our morning nature walk, to add to our nature table for the second week of Advent. The second photo are stars cut from a sheet of beeswax, little man loved punching them out, and then we made a lovely star garland.

      Christmas cards are done. This was a card to a dear friend, which included a very long letter.

  4. What lovely little windows into yet another beautifully peaceful looking day.
    Wishing you many more just like it!

    1. Yes, it was a lovely day. Thank you, I hope there are more like in over this holiday season too :)

  5. I love the stars of beeswax- you have a real gift for conveying coziness in your pictures and thought- it's beautiful to see!

    1. Thank you, that is so nice of you to say :)

  6. How I wish the world was smaller! I would love to visit you and get creative with the little ones together! I love the beeswax stars. What a beautiful idea for a garland made out if them! I just found sheets of beeswax I forgot I had when kceaning out the other day. I have no idea what my intent was in purchasing it but I'm thinking if trying to make candles....or maybe a garland! Would you mind sharing a picture of yours?

    1. It would be wonderful wouldn't it Jen, to gather with our little ones, create, sip tea and talk. Just imagine....

      Not my idea, but one I found online. I will share a photo of the garland, and the process this week, promise :)

  7. i love how you work by candlelight at night... inspired by you, i've started to do the same.... have a great day Kim !!!

    1. I love candlelight, there is something that is so cozy and warm about it during our very dark days of winter. Happy to hear you are now doing the same, enjoy! xo

  8. Ah. Good old fashioned letter writing. Now that is a perfect gift for Christmas time.

    1. It is wonderful, isn't it? I have done so much letter writing this year, and have enjoyed it immensely. Looking forward to doing more of it in 2015 :)

  9. Lovely photos Kim. Could you PLEASE show us a photo of your star garland hanging in your kitchen window? Pretty please. I love your idea of writing by candlelight. I have started journaling again these past few days. Tuning into myself and asking what I need, plus whatever else I feel like writing. I write a bit first thing in the morning and I'm now thinking I might write at night too by candlelight. Thanks my gorgeous friend for the idea! xo

    1. Thank you Julie. And yes, I will get a photo up, hopefully on Thursday, sound good?

      I love candlelight, it just seems to make everything look wonderful :) Happy to hear you are journaling again my friend, and seeking to find the answers that will make your heart happy. Enjoy writing by candlelight. xo

  10. Looks like a lovely way to spend the day. So cozy.

  11. Each week I am reminded that I wish we were closer and could spend time together, our days are so similar, just years apart.

    1. Thank you Tracey. I would love to spend days with you, even if we are years apart :)

  12. Lovely pictures, Kim. Cozy and warm too. I would love to see a finished picture of the projects. What is the top picture? Have a good night.


    1. Thank you Janet. The first photo is just some evergreen we picked up on our morning nature walk. I was creating a little vase of greens for our Advent nature table. The clementine I was just eating :)

      I will get a post up on the star garland tomorrow.

  13. What a completely lovely day! Seeing the beeswax in the cookie cutter definitely makes me want to order some sheets of it! xo

    1. You should Shel, the girls would love it! And it smells so good :)

  14. This is such an aromatic post. I feel like I can smell it all. Maybe because we ate mandarins at dinner and have beeswax candles on our table and pine bows around our house for decoration. Lovely!

    1. Haha, your house is like ours then, filled with the smells of Christmas. So good!

  15. i love the way you do this! beautiful glimpses throughout the day.

    1. Thanks Jenny, feel free to join in any time :)

  16. I'm loving the sound of that beeswax garland too, looking forward to seeing it. I didn't realise you could get sheets of beeswax so I'll have to investigate that now, we have a lovely honey farm quite close to us which sells all sorts of bee related products as well as just the honey so I can feel a trip coming on!

    1. Yes, you can. We usually use them to roll candles, but when I was inspired by another post, we gave this a try. I think I like it better than rolling candles :)

      Hope you can find it over there.

  17. Very lovely photos! All them give you a really warm feeling, I particularly like the last one it seems to be a very cozy moment.

    Lluisa xx

    1. Thank you. I definitely love cozy, and I feel like out home conveys that. I like the warmth and comfort that comes with cozy :)
