Thursday, December 4, 2014

Family Day

On Sunday night, as we sat around the dinner table talking about the week ahead, Justin decided he was going to take a couple of days off this week. We already had plans to attend the One of A Kind Show in Toronto on Tuesday, but he said he would take Wednesday off too, and join Reece and I for a nature adventure. Both of us were just a little excited about that.

We got up early yesterday and hit the trails. We were the only ones there, and enjoyed a lovely hike, with snowflakes softly falling from the sky. It was a little chilly, but still comfortable enough to take our time, chat, laugh and explore. We left the trails with rosy cheeks, and cold noses, and headed off for a quick visit with Justin's parents before running a few errands and heading back home to settle in for the rest of the day.

In our world of busy, I am so happy we had these moments yesterday, meandering along the trail, visiting with family, and just being together. We will definitely make more time for days just like this over the next few weeks.

Are you making time during the hustle and bustle of this season for slow, simple days with the people you love?


  1. What a lovely day! Your photos would make beautiful winter notecards. :)
    We often do family drives this time of year, because Adam prefers not to hike (since he is quite active all the time for his work). We will drive to visit some friends or to our local Amish farms to see what they are up to. We also love to snowshoe our woods as a's only a couple of acres, but enough for short hikes and exploring.

    1. Awe, thank you, that is so nice of you to say :)

      I totally get that he would prefer drives to hiking :) fun! That is Reece's Christmas gift this year from Justin and I. He has borrowed some but never had his own. I am so excited!!!!

  2. It sounds lovely! It's so beautiful where you are, I grew up in Alaska and these pictures make me nostalgic for snow and snow suits and bundling up for outdoor play! To answer your question- yes today Kaleb and I decided to just spend the day with kids, and plan a Christmassy evening with them tonight- I'm so excited because I feel it's just been non stop lately!

    1. It was, thank you. I feel pretty lucky to have so much nature available to us.

      Sounds like a wonderful day my friend. Hope you, Kaleb and your kiddos enjoyed it.

  3. Yes, yes, yes, simple days with the people we love, that is how I want all of my days to be.
    I'm so glad you and your family had such a grand time Kim and I wish you many, many more!

    1. I knew you would get it Tracey. It was so lovely, and really filled up all of our buckets. Thank you. xo

  4. What a lovely way to spend a day! I am so glad that Justin was able to join you two for your nature adventure this week! I love the picture of the two guys walking down the path together. So very sweet! xo

    1. I am too, it was wonderful to have him tag along. xo

  5. such a treasure this time... I can see that winter is already there...

    1. Winter is coming and going at the moment. It seems King Winter can't decide if he wants to stay or not :) We have our fingers crossed he will stay for a long visit soon.

  6. That's so nice that you could all be together as a family. December is family month at our house, however, Todd still has to miss out a lot on the weekdays because of his work. That means that many days it is just the kids and I (and maybe some friends) doing our "family" activity. The weekends are always a nice treat, when he is able to come along as well.
    The snow looks so beautiful!

    1. How wonderful to dedicate the month to family. Enjoy your time together, and soak up those weekends when Todd can join you. xo

  7. so glad you had a slow family day in the midst of this hectic season !!! your pictures are so lovely.

  8. yes, it is so important to have slow and simple family time in nature! we like to have our dinners by candlelight, it always makes for a calm atmosphere. today we had to run errands, but we went by foot/bike. so on the way back we went on a nest hunt, looking for nests on the bare trees. we spotted a lot and i loved that we used a time that could be busy and hectic with something slow and reflective.

    1. We love candlelight too for dinner, we actually light candles at all of our meals, three times a day :) It sets the mood, and is perfect to bring attention to our meal blessing.

      That is wonderful. How lovely that you can run errands by foot/bike, I dream of that, but would have to give up living in the country...

  9. Lovely! Looks like a fun place to explore. Finding time to just be and enjoy is never easy this time of year.

    1. It is a wonderful spot, and yes, never easy, but so important.

  10. So wonderful that you got to have a family nature day! We don't get as many even though we live in the woods, only because on weekends I tend to wander up the mountain alone with the dogs for 'quiet mama time' to replenish. We'll be having a family woodland adventure this sat when we go and find our Solstice/Christmas tree though!

    1. Quiet mama time in the woods is good too. I do that on the weekends too sometimes. My time alone in the woods is always wonderful.

      Hope you find a great tree!

  11. I am so jealous of all this nature and snow! How the city feels more and more inappropriate,now even more with a baby...

    1. Come February, I will send you the snow, I will be a little tired of it by then :)

  12. What a beautiful photos, although you can feel the cold through the screen I wouldn't mind to have a nice walk around :)


    1. Thank you! It was chilly, but actually quite perfect for some time in the woods on a winter day.

  13. sounds lovely :) we actually canceled all of our plans for this weekend for exactly that reason... to slow down and have some quiet family time before the hustle and bustle really gets crazy!!

    1. Thank you, it was!

      That is so wonderful to hear. Enjoy the time with your family, I know how much you will all enjoy it.

  14. What a lovely little bit of snow. We had a really busy October and November and so I am consciously making sure have slow days. Even if that means putting aside morning lessons and just flowing with the day.

    1. Yes, just a little dusting, and a little more fell last night. Slow days are good, especially after a busy few months. Enjoy them KC. xo

  15. how nice it was the three of you together in the silence of nature. I've been especially enjoying my walks these days, it's so quiet :)

    1. It was lovely Karen, and am feeling like we need to do it again very soon :)

  16. Lovely day. Surprise days off are always nice. It looks like your snow has melted a bit. I heard that by next week it could be back in the 50's here... Crazy weather this year. Hopefully we both will have snow in time for Christmas. Take care.

    1. They certainly are, and we really enjoyed it. All of our snow melted, this was a dusting that fell over the last few days.

      We have our fingers crossed more snow will come soon. We want snow!!!!!

  17. Must have been lovely walking in that peaceful spot, the three of you together. Something very special about walking in the snow, especially when it's with your 2 most important people.

    1. It was very lovely, and yes, time with these two, alone in the woods, well it really doesn't get any better :)

  18. Beautiful images- such a peaceful place in nature...nothing like family day and exploring.

    1. Thank you my friend. It was just wonderful Camilla, and we were lucky enough to get to do it again today, at a different spot. So what my soul needed.
