Thursday, October 31, 2013

Make and Listen


~ a lovely owl to be gifted to a special little one for Christmas

~ a new birthday crown for my little man, his old one was just too small

~ new toys are in the toy shop...gnome size furniture

~ our nature treasures ready to be shipped off, thanks to Mud Puddles to Meteors for hosting the nature exchange


~ a little Michael Buble, a bit of Sarah McLachlan and some Diana Krall have been playing around here

~ we are enjoying the sounds of the winter birds returning to our part of the capped chickadees, red breasted nuthatches, and blue jays, oh the blue jays

What have you been making and listening to this week?

Joining Dawn

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The autumn chill has found us.
Frost covers the ground every morning
glistening in the rays of the late rising sun.
Long johns and wool shirts are on us daily,
and the hats, mitts and scarves are waiting at the door.
Outdoor adventures take longer to get ready for,
but that first breath of cool, crisp air fills me with joy.
We hike, we play, we enjoy the time outside.
But soon little fingers are cold and 
we return inside with rosy cheeks and cold noses.
Hot chocolate is made and enjoyed by the fire,
warming our toes, and our souls.
Stories are shared, laughter is a given.
In this moment I look around,
a smile grows across my face.
Happpiness. Joy. Contentment.
Family. Home. This life.
I am blessed.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Our Weekend

While Reece went off exploring in the forest with his nature program on Friday morning, I took a solo hike, taking in the last of the autumn beauty. It was the perfect way to start the weekend. The remainder of the day was spent hanging out at home. There was time to play, read, write and craft.

We woke to the sound of rain on our tin roof Saturday morning, forcing us to snuggle in under the covers a little longer than usual. It was a slow morning, just the way we like our weekend mornings to be. The afternoon found me sitting in a circle, in my living room, with like minded mamas in open and honest conversation about our lives, our journeys, where we are and where we would like to be. It was a bucket filling afternoon and so nice to be together, just us mamas, kiddos off with their dads. The evening was spent in front of the fire, there was reading, writing and crafting.

The alarm clock was set to wake us Sunday morning, and off we went to celebrate the 4th birthday of one of Reece's little friends. It was a lovely celebration, and we were home shortly after lunch to wind down and enjoy a quiet afternoon and evening at home.

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda

Friday, October 25, 2013

{This Moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Inspired by Soulemama.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


~ for bare trees and the sound of crunchy leaves underfoot

~ for friendships growing and connections deepening

~ for time to stop and enjoy the view

~ for darker, cooler nights that allow me to cocoon in my home in front of the fire

~ for friends and their little ones who enjoy a good nature adventure as much as we do

~ for technology which brings some pretty amazing people into my life

~ for slow, simple days

~ for the love and support of family

What are you most grateful for today?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy Mail Day

A few weeks ago this lovely lady had a sale in her shop. I had been admiring her work for quite some time and pounced as soon as I saw the world sale in one of her blogs posts. Yesterday it arrived and I love it, heck, we all love it. Really, how could you not, isn't it beautiful?

Thank you Cory, it is a pleasure to have your work in our home.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

On An Autumn Afternoon

On a splendid autumn afternoon
warming rays from the sun
call out to us.
On a blanket we sit,
talking, laughing, being.
Hands kept busy
with needle, thread
and popcorn,
making treats for
our feathered friends.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Our Weekend

It was a weekend full of wonderful things, making it really hard to know where to start. There was our very first Waldorf playgroup on Saturday morning, and it was truly amazing. Like minded families coming together to create magic with our kiddos. There were little hands kneading dough, circle time, indoor play, outdoor play, snack time of fruit salad and homemade bread and we finished off with story time. A wonderful morning filling me with such joy.

Back at home the afternoon was spent preparing for dinner guests, Justin's family was coming over to celebrate his parents wedding anniversary. All was going really well til I noticed my little mans cheeks getting a little rosy. Then the eyes got a little glassy and then the fever started. By the time our guests arrived we had spent an hour snuggling on the couch, and instead of playing the night away with his cousin, he slept. Despite a feverish little man the evening was a success.

I cleaned up after our guests left, then hopped online for a quick catch up of the days events and to check email. To my surprise there was an email from this lovely lady informing me I had won a spot in her Write Now session starting today! I am just a tad bit excited about this and can't wait to get started. My journal is picked out and my pen is ready. You can imagine sleep was a little hard to come by after such an exciting day, so I snuggled into bed with my feverish little man and counted my blessings.

In the dark hours of Sunday morning Reece sat bolt upright in bed asking if it was morning yet. Technically it was, but 6am on a Sunday morning is just too early, so I told him it was still nighttime and he snuggled up for a few more hours of sleep. We both hopped out of bed shortly after 8am, and he was full of life and ready to take on the world again. Another blessing from this weekend.

Reece spent the morning cleaning and playing with a old metal Tonka crane his granddad brought him Saturday night and then after lunch we headed off to a friends home for a little family play date and dinner.

A very good weekend, that once again has left me feeling blessed and grateful.

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda

Friday, October 18, 2013

{This Moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Inspired by Soulemama.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Around the Garden - Fall Edition

The fall garden is not nearly as exciting as the summer garden, but if you look closely there are still some good things happening.

The Swiss chard, beets and kale are still going strong. The herb garden is enjoying a wild party and gets tastier with each passing day. The strawberries are tucked in under a layer of straw. The garlic is planted and snug under a thick layer of straw as well. And the rest of the beds have been cleaned out, turned over and covered in leaves, ready for the long, cold winter ahead.

Overall we are pleased with our season of backyard gardening. We managed to stay clear of any big problems from pests and disease and put up a lot of food on our new pantry shelves. There has already been talk of next year, with plans in the works for new beds and more food grown in the backyard. But for now, we will sit back and relax a bit and enjoy the bounty of our harvest.

What is happening around your garden these days?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013



The earth is quietly dying back.
The leaves falling gently to the ground.
Plants are curling inside themselves.
Trees once covered in leaves, stand bare.
Meadows once filled with wild plants appear flat and empty.

But look more closely,
open your eyes,
before you is

Hope in the nutrients the dying leaves return to the earth.
Hope in the seeds the plants wait patiently to spread on the wings of the next wind gust.
Hope in the beauty of the changing landscape, renewing itself with each dying breath.

As darkness falls upon the earth
there is a message of hope,
of renewal and of beauty.

Can you see it?

It is there.

It hides behind earthy browns and dark days.
Look closely, through the shadows,
you will see it,
it shares its message with us,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Alone in the Woods

On Friday morning as Reece disappeared into the woods with his Forest Friday program, I took some time to get lost in the woods, camera in hand.

I walked fast at first, maybe the need to be alone was stronger than I thought, but then, once wrapped in the welcoming arms of the woods, I slowed down. I stopped. I closed my eyes. I reached my arms out and up and I took a deep breath. And then I let it go, and with that release peace and calm washed over me, and as a smile appeared across my face I heard my soul say, "I am home."

I moved forward again, but this time much slower and with intention. An intention to take it all in, to experience autumn and the glory of this wonderful season.I walked for quite some time, but then I felt it, a pull. A pull to stop, to sit, to be. I let myself be pulled and I sat on the forest floor.


A few minutes passed and then the world around me came alive. A chickadee sang, a chipmunk chattered and blue jay said hello. A squirrel came bouncing down from a tree . He stopped in front of me and we looked at each other.


Then he moved, scratching the leaves, searching. He continued this in my presence, I watched, thankful for this opportunity, for this experience of being up close and personal with this creature. I watched, taking slow, shallow breaths, until he scampered off, then a deep breath filled my body. I slowly stood up, moving back to the trail, to my hike, the falling leaves, the glorious colour and this time, alone.

Alone in the woods I find connection to a deeper part of myself. I can hear the voice of my heart with clarity. I feel peace, and I am happy. In the woods, I am at home, free to be exactly who I am and very clear about where I want to go in this life. It is in the woods I find myself, and each time I leave I bring a little more of myself out with me.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Our Weekend

After some busy, full and fun weekends, this one was the one I was looking forward to and it didn't disappoint.

It was slow. There was hiking, lots of hiking. There was an afternoon spent with friends knitting. There were quiet evenings reading. There was tea. There was a little visit with my brother and his family. And there was time to breathe, to think, to really focus on the meaning of this weekend...Thanksgiving.

And with one more day on this lovely long weekend we plan to hit the trails for another hike, maybe enjoy a picnic by the water and then chill at home, together, reading, playing and crafting.

Wishing all my fellow Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving.

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda

Friday, October 11, 2013

{This Moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Inspired by Soulemama.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Make and Listen


~ little hands have been busy making pine cone spiders

~ feeding our bird friends is a big priority around here, and spruce cone feeders are always a hit

~ a few little acorn nut cap people made by me for my little man

~ couldn't resist needle felting some pumpkins for the nature table

~ the latest knitting project, a shawl

~ if all goes well, I will cast on one of these this evening, another Christmas present


~ Sunday morning oldies are well enjoyed around here, it is hard to believe that music from the 70's, 80's and 90's is now considered oldies

~ Mumford and Sons join me most nights while I prepare dinner

~ the birds are filling our ears with their beautiful bird song, some of which we haven't heard since the spring when they were passing through heading north

What are you making and listening to this week?

Joining Dawn

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


~ for the beauty surrounding us

~ for long hikes with my little man, hand in hand exploring in the woods

~ for noticing the simple things

~ for little lessons and the growth they bring

~ for time to feed my creative side

~ for early morning mama and time to reflect

~ for the connection and friendships this little space has brought into my life

~ for you, my dear blog readers, who come here to read, comment and share in this journey with me

Two years ago I came to this lovely little space to write about my journey with my little man. Never in a million years did I expect to find community, friendship, and so much more. I offer gratitude everyday for those of you who have come into my life through this space. I am honoured to call many of you friends and am so very happy our paths have crossed in this big, busy world.

With gratitude to you, my friends. Thank you.