Thursday, October 17, 2013

Around the Garden - Fall Edition

The fall garden is not nearly as exciting as the summer garden, but if you look closely there are still some good things happening.

The Swiss chard, beets and kale are still going strong. The herb garden is enjoying a wild party and gets tastier with each passing day. The strawberries are tucked in under a layer of straw. The garlic is planted and snug under a thick layer of straw as well. And the rest of the beds have been cleaned out, turned over and covered in leaves, ready for the long, cold winter ahead.

Overall we are pleased with our season of backyard gardening. We managed to stay clear of any big problems from pests and disease and put up a lot of food on our new pantry shelves. There has already been talk of next year, with plans in the works for new beds and more food grown in the backyard. But for now, we will sit back and relax a bit and enjoy the bounty of our harvest.

What is happening around your garden these days?


  1. Your garden looks beautiful! I love those yellow leaves xx

    1. Thanks, we are in a sea of yellow lately, speckled with some red and orange. It has been beautiful!

  2. your yard looks lovely. Ours is sort of shutting down as well, and we are having a war of sorts against the squirrels who keep stealing seeds that I am planting!

    1. Oh no, darn squirrels. They enjoyed many of my sunflower seeds in the spring :)

  3. No garden here... we moved over the summer but hope to get some things growing in the spring. Yours is gorgeous even now- the swiss chard looks delicious!!

  4. It is very pretty, in the fall as well, it loks at it is slowing down a bit, enjoy!

    1. Thanks, slowing down big time, but that is okay, we were ready to slow down.

  5. Enjoy the slowing down of fall and the continuing bounty of your gardens. I'm excited to see what you all add next year. :) Plenty of time for planning now.

  6. Argh, your places looks just as beautiful if not more so in the fall! I will at some point in life see this place with my own two eyes!

    1. Thanks KC. I sure hope so, it would lovely to have you visit :)

  7. I thought our garden was done but I picked MORE peppers and tomatoes, such a great surprise. You know I love swiss chard and haven't had it in years!

    1. Always a lovely surprise to go out and find some goodies :) You should plant some, super easy to grow.

  8. Looking good at yours, Kim :) So beautiful and peaceful.

  9. What an absolutely beautiful garden, house and backyard! Especially lovely with all the fall colours!

    We are growing our first fall garden, so many cabbages! Our beets & swiss chard did terrible this year, too much hot sun & heat in May & Sept which made many of the cool season veg bolt. We are trying to grow some brussel sprouts, and still have some leeks, collard greens, and lots of kale. It's interesting seeing everything hit with a heavy frost then bounce back a few hours later once the sun warms everything up.

    1. Awe, thanks. It is my dream home, an old schoolhouse. We have lived here for 16 years.

      Sounds like your fall garden is doing well, enjoy every last bite :)
