Thursday, October 24, 2013


~ for bare trees and the sound of crunchy leaves underfoot

~ for friendships growing and connections deepening

~ for time to stop and enjoy the view

~ for darker, cooler nights that allow me to cocoon in my home in front of the fire

~ for friends and their little ones who enjoy a good nature adventure as much as we do

~ for technology which brings some pretty amazing people into my life

~ for slow, simple days

~ for the love and support of family

What are you most grateful for today?


  1. I"m grateful that I can be a stay at home mom. That I have friend near and far who I can talk too about anything. I'm grateful we are all healthy!

    1. Such wonderful things to be grateful for KC :)

  2. Beautiful post and gorgeous photos. I am grateful that I have people and pets to love, a roof over my head, enough food and clean water, a car, the internet, my family and I are healthy and happy, and it's Friday. Also that I live in the country and on the coast and I'm a stay at home mum. xxoo

    1. Thanks Julie, and a lovely list from you. Miss you my friend xo

  3. Love your gratitude list a beautiful photos. I'm thankful for golden autumn leaves, the smell of pine needles on a park trail, the love from my family. I blog about gratitude at Hope you will visit and share a gratitude!

    1. Thank you. What a lovely thing to blog about, heading over to say hello now :)

  4. Gorgeous peek into one of your days. How lovely! And what a great reminder. I'm thankful for a warm house on a chilly evening, a working oven, and noisy children playing happily in the other room. Making cookies and muffins for a benefit for a friend who is battling breast cancer.

    1. Thanks Elisa :) A lovely list from you too.

  5. I love all of your gratitudes.. many of which are shared here! Today, I am feeling so grateful for this LOVELY fall weather we have been having. October sun is nothing short of amazing!

    1. Enjoy that fall weather, we have left it behind and it is chilly and wet :(

  6. A cocoon in front of the fire sounds great! I am grateful for being able to stay home with my girl, for her being more happy than usual these days, for a warmer day in the forecast for saturday and planning a hike with my family to enjoy it. :)

    1. It is pretty awesome my friend. A lovely list from you, enjoy that hike on the weekend.

  7. beautiful Kim, I'm grateful for the frost that arrived, wearing my woolens, good health, yummy food and being able to see gratitude.

    1. Thanks Karen, and your list is beautiful :)

  8. I am grateful for that first photo. Love it!
    And making plans that make the family happy, moving forward, seeing what is head, and collaborations with wonderful people!
