Monday, March 30, 2015

At the Pace of Nature

 Photos from a hike on March 20

Photos from a hike March 27

We are a family of nature lovers, and we love living life at the pace of nature. Mother Nature provides us with a slow, simple rhythm, and it is that rhythm which has always helped guide our year. From our early years of dating, to our now almost 20 years of marriage, Justin and I have always enjoyed our time in nature, and slowly over the years have become more entwined and rooted in her rhythm. While pregnant with Reece, I felt a pull to connect more deeply to nature, to the Mother of this earth, and found myself many times in the woods, or by the water, letting the sounds of nature sooth me and the little one growing inside me. After we welcomed Reece, the pull I felt in pregnancy was stronger, and I turned to the nature, to sooth both myself and Reece, and to tune into a deeper part of myself. During those early mothering years nature reminded me to move slowly, to look for the beauty around me, and to take time to connect to something bigger than me. In essence, to be mindful.

It was a powerful lesson in those early years, when around me the world was moving at a dizzying pace, trying to entice me into more of this and more of that. But Mother Nature had my back, she was a constant reminder to stay the course, to stick to my path, and be true to who I was. I have never forgotten those little reminders, and hold them close, even today.

As Mother Nature shifts from one season to the next, I feel the deep need to ground myself in her presence, to take in all she has to offer, and to connect with it all, through my senses. Whether we are moving from spring to summer, summer to fall, fall to winter or winter to spring, as we are now, I find my senses heightened, tuning into the changes, feeling the shift deep inside. On our last few hikes I have found myself in a space of full and deep gratitude for the simple pleasure of time in the woods, and I have noticed with every part of my being the shift we are experiencing. The smell of the earth waking from its winter nap, the electrifying sound of the male red winged blackbirds filling the woods, and sending the most amazing tingle through my entire being, the buds swelling on bare branches, the trumpeter and mute swans stopping over on our waterways on their travels further north, the mud squishing underfoot, the sighting of our first robin flitting through the trees, the warmth of the sun on my face, and so much more.

The earth is alive right now, with hope, and so much magic, and every day it calls to me, in a gentle whisper to come, come and feel the magic. And every day I give myself the time and space to listen to her call, to accept the invitation, and to live at her pace.


  1. It is beautiful to surround ourselves with God's creation. For me, it is connecting to the part of me that has been calling me home all my life. But alas, with the world pulling me in a different direction, the call became muted for awhile. Now, at this season in my life, I am reconnecting to the rhythm of the earth.

    Your words resonate very deeply sweet Kim. Thank you for taking the time to share the loveliness of your part of the world.

    much love.... mari

    1. Thank you for stopping by Mari. Reconnecting to the rhythm of the earth...beautiful my friend, and so important for all of us to do.


  2. Oh this is so beautifully written and really resonates with how I feel about the need to get outside in the wide open air. It seems like you have really found your rhythm for life this involves going outside a lot. I'm also wildly impressed that you got a bird to eat seeds out of your hand!

    1. Thank you Carie. Yes, we do have a really nice rhythm, connected to the seasons, and enjoy much time outside. I can get a little cranky if I spend too much time inside :)

      Yes, that is a special treat. The birds at that particular conservation area are quite friendly. We love visiting this spot.

  3. your river rocks are quite large! I love the way nature hugs you and fills you with joy. I inherited my love of nature from my dad. He is outside every single day and loves to be in it. I know that is why I am the way that I am :) Beautiful photos.

    1. Well, not really river rocks, but lake rocks :) That is Lake Ontario. Oh yes, love that Karen, nature hugging me, what an image, and so very true. I can't imagine life without spending some of each day in nature.

      Thank you!

  4. Beautiful photos, beautiful words...

  5. What a beautiful reflection Kim. Your words are so serene. I'm happy you have found so much happiness in the simplicity of nature. As we are making these changes in our lives, we have felt that joy more and more... thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Thank you Yanic. She is beautiful, Mother Nature, and her simplicity is my inspiration. Happy to hear you guys are finding joy in nature too. xo

  6. The pull of Mother Nature is strong when we allow it to be, but it does need us to be slow and steady to really feel it. I know that I am deeply out of sorts when I don't get to spend time outside whatever the weather :). Beautiful post.

    1. That is the key, slowing down to feel the pull, and then surrendering to it and getting out there. Same here, I get a little cranky if I miss my daily dose of nature :)

      Thank you.

  7. Mother nature is amazing and I am always awed each time I look around. I can not imagine living a life that didn't include daily walks in the woods and I know you feel the same way too. Enjoy my friend.

  8. Lovely post, thanks for sharing - very inspirational and a great reminder living in these busy times to trust yourself. Hope you guys are enjoying a moving towards spring week. :)

    1. Thanks Carlin. I think we will be moving towards spring this week...finally. Temps are suppose to go up, and that white stuff that keeps falling is suppose to stop :) Fingers crossed.

  9. Isn't the spring the best time to get out - you can just feel the earth waking up!
    Not sure if it is just the time of year or what, but, I had some time with just my youngest and guess what we did - took a hike!

    1. You bet it is! The air is filled with so much hope, I love it!

      Love that you got out with your little one for a little nature adventure. It looks like you both had a grand time :)

  10. I'm not used to seeing white swans. Our native swans are black.

    I'm looking forward to hopefully spending time out in nature over the Easter break.

    1. Really, how cool! Enjoy your time in nature my friend.

  11. Just reading your title prompted an "Ah Ha" moment for me about why living in the city is so draining for me. The pressure is all around us to speed up, consume more, tune out nature and plug in. Fortunately, the absence of nature brings gratitude in it's own right, and the reminder to embrace the places that Mother Nature makes her presence known--a dandelion pushing through the asphalt--and be thankful for the times that we can escape urban life and be fully surrounded by her. Thanks for the vicarious trip to your piece of Mother Mature. It is soul fulfilling!

    1. YES to all of that Coco. We have to embrace nature wherever we are, and whenever we can.

      You are most welcome :)

  12. Wow! Love the picture with the little bird on your hand. So beautiful!

  13. i was born and raised in the hustle and bustle of a large city, where the rhythm of life came from the community and extended family around me. I didn't discover the beauty of being alone in nature till my twenties... and yes, it sure has grounded me!!! what a beautiful post Kim xoxo.

    1. I am so happy your found nature Erica, it truly is a gift, and one not many take advantage of.

      Thank you Erica. xo

  14. Such beautiful scenery and a bird landing in your hand, wow!

    1. Thanks Jennifer. Yes, the birds at this particular spot are very friendly. We have had chickadees, nuthatches, and woodpeckers eat from our hands. It is amazing and never gets old :)

  15. What a lovely photos Kim!! And that little bird eating from the hand? isn't it that nice? Mother Nature. .. stunning and a beautiful surprise every time you get out.

    Lluisa xoxo

    1. Thanks Lluisa. And yes, having the birds eat from our hands is amazing. Mother Nature always has a little something special to offer every time we go out :)

  16. Beautiful photos. I especially like the geese and the rocks by the water.

  17. Beautiful words Kim! It looks like it's been warm there as well, all the snow is gone!

    1. Thanks KC! It is warming up, slowly. Both of these spots are about 30 minutes south of us, and the snow is gone there. We still have a little, but not much. Patches of grass are beginning to peak out, and every day there are more and more puddles. Spring is coming...finally :)

  18. Nature lovers here too.
    I've always found it amazing how l change after spending a few days camping in the bush. Away from ‘normal’ life and the busyness of working and raising a family. No technology, no competing demands. It centres me, makes me calm.
    The challenge is to take that feeling and bring it more into my everyday life.
    What a joy to read your post, someone else who understands that feeling and is walking on the same path. xx

    1. Yes, always a challenge to keep that calm when you return from time in nature.

      Thank you Chrisy, I knew you would get it :)

  19. Beautiful! Looks like you're snow-free there. Happy spring!

    1. Thanks Andrea. Almost snow free. This is about 30 minutes south of us, and they are snow free, we still have a bit, but there are patches of green starting to peek out. Rain and high temps in the forecast tomorrow which means good bye snow!

  20. What a lovely phrase there at the end - 'The earth is alive right now...', it's feeling that way over here too and I am developing a greater appreciation of Spring!

    1. Thank you Sally, it is true, and it feels wonderful! Glad things are spring like over there, and that you are gaining a deeper appreciation for spring :)

  21. Beautiful - being a connected person is an amazing with intention

    1. Thank you. And yes, a wonderful gift, and so very fulfilling.

  22. Lovely Kim! And I am always amazed by photos of the birds eating of of hands, no matter how many I see!

    1. Thanks Taryn! I am always amazed when they come to my hand, doesn't matter how many times it happens, it never gets old :)
