Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Beauty Around Us

We are very lucky, fifteen years ago when we were looking for our first home, we found my dream – an old schoolhouse.  I don’t know why, but I had always thought living in an old schoolhouse or church would be amazing, and after fifteen years, I can definitely say it is.
What makes our home so wonderful though is also where it is located. We have four conservation areas within a 15 minute drive from our home. Our neighbours (not like neighbours in the city, they live about a half a kilometre up the road) own 75 forested acres across the road from us and have cut out trails throughout and welcome us to use it. We also have some very quiet country roads on which to walk and run. 
Why is this so wonderful? Simply because I love nature. It grounds me. It reminds me just how amazing our earth and Mother Nature are. It helps me think. It helps me clear my mind. It is there for me every day. I need nature, and if a few days go by and I have not hit the trails for a walk or run, I feel it pull me, it calls me to come...and those days are usually the days I need it most.
Today I thought I would share some of the beauty we experience daily as we go about our lives. It continues to amaze me and reminds me each and every day why we live where we do.

We can't go on a walk without Shelby :)

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