Monday, September 8, 2014

Our Weekend

As usual, we kicked the weekend off on Friday. A few friends joined us at our home, and while the kiddos played, us mamas chatted, drank tea, and enjoyed some snacks. It was the perfect way to start the weekend.

Saturday morning was slow and easy, rising when we wished too, and then enjoying a late breakfast. After breakfast, Justin and Reece played, and I did the seasonal shift inside the house, taking down the summer decorations, and bringing out the fall ones. The nature table also shifted from summer to fall, with much excitement from my little man. The three of us then headed out for a lunch date at this wonderful spot, and followed that with a walk in the woods. Dinner was enjoyed on the back deck, and my evening was spent drinking tea and knitting.

I rose before the sun on Sunday morning, and before Justin and Reece woke two hours later, I had baked banana bread, roasted two trays of tomatoes, baked some granola, and strained the last of the herbs I had infusing in oil. When the two of them rolled out of bed, I whipped up some pancakes, and we enjoyed them with some maple syrup from a friend down the road.

The three of us then hit the backyard where I harvested the last of the tomatoes, cucumbers, calendula, and beans, picked some strawberries, and then, cleaned up the beds. Cleaning the beds was a big job, but it feels so good to have it done. Reece was busy climbing a tree, and Justin was helping me by burning all the plants I was cleaning out of the beds. It was a very productive morning.

The afternoon was filled with more gardening, this time checking in on the seedlings in the fall/winter garden, and there was more tree climbing, and some balance beam walking by a certain little man. When I had my fill of gardening, I moved onto the windows of our home, and cleaned every single one. What a difference it makes to have clean windows. The world looks totally different when you look out of my windows now.

Dinner, made mostly with food from the backyard, was enjoyed on the back deck, where we lingered a little longer than usual, enjoying the beautiful fall evening. Once the little man was off in dreamland, I did a few things to prepare for our homeschool day today, managed a little knitting, and enjoyed a few cups of tea.

It was a wonderful weekend, and well enjoyed by all three of us.

How was your weekend?

Joining Karen


  1. I love reading your posts. You infuse so much peace & joy in your days. Thank you for sharing it! Your weekend, even though busy, was full of intention in presence in each moment!!

    1. Thanks Jen, that is so kind of you to say.

  2. Two jobs I dislike, cleaning bathtubs and their walls AND windows.....I can never get them clean enough! I bet your house smells divine and wonderful now that you are nesting for the fall days :) The humidity finally dropped here. Love your weekend and your moments.

    1. Are you using a microfiber cloth? They work like a charm on the windows, no streaks :) I love nesting for fall, getting us ready to hibernate away, warm and cozy in our home for the fall and winter. Happy to hear the humidity dropped, it was brutally hot here on Friday, 40 degrees, but when we woke up Saturday morning the cold front had come through and it was 22 degrees cooler. It was pretty crazy.

      Have a great day Karen.

  3. It sounds lovely, Kim. I love those mornings when I have the house to myself before anyone else wakes up. They are rare, as Finn is an early riser, but I appreciate them when I get them.

    1. Thanks Taryn, it was. It is lovely, isn't it? It has only been in the last few months that it has been happening, and I am savouring every minute of it.

  4. Sounds like a very productive weekend indeed! I love those kind of weekends! They get you ready for the week ahead and motivated to get more done!

    1. It was! It is funny how that works, eh, the motivation part. I feel it, and just want to keep getting things done.

  5. you are one hard worker !!! our weekend was busy with a few chores...but mostly socializing. today is my day to tame the chaos of our home. i love your nature table !!!

  6. I saw your reply to Karen and have to second the microfiber clothes, they are magical! I love how they work and all my mirror can now actually be seen :)
    Your weekend sounds busy, but in a good way. I think all weekends should begin on Friday, mine does too.
    I hope you enjoy the cooler weather, we are 85 degrees and pouring rain, I'll take it!

    1. Yes, busy, but good. I might say full over busy, because it didn't seem busy, just full of lots of good things :)

      We are enjoying it Tracey, I will try and send some your way.

  7. I am just loving those zinnnias. I have seen people grow those with really long stems and I can never find that variety. Sigh.

  8. Love your fall table. And your week-end seems lovely. We are attacking the 2 remaining beds this week-end. Picking our last chards, herbs and ground cherries.

    Our week-end was full of painting and ended with celebration : We were invited to our friend's to celebrate the Moon festival. Pot luck, corn roast, fun games, traditional Chinese moon cakes and watching the full moon rise together was a wonderful way to bring in fall.

    Wishing you a great week. xo

    1. Thanks Yanic. Sounds like a good weekend on your end too. xo

  9. Sounds like you had a perfect weekend with your two guys. Your fall nature table is beautiful.
    Well done the windows - I really need to get mine done too - it's a thankless task as the dog will just lick them as soon as I've got them all nice and clean.

    1. I did, and thank you. Oh no, we have dog, but thankfully she doesn't lick the windows :)

  10. Sounds like a beautiful and restful weekend. I'm sorry I've been away. Hopefully things will be settling (as much as they can) and we an get back into our rhythm. I like your nature table. It's simple, sweet, and oh so perfect. I really like the fall leaf back drop it has. Take care my friend.

    1. It was just lovely. No worries at all, I hope all is okay, and that you can settle back into your rhythm soon. Wishing you well. xo

  11. A wonderful and restful weekend. We have to clean our beds this weekends and I am a bit sad. Summer went too quickly. But I do love autumn and all the beauty that comes with it. We are going to have our first ever seasonal table this year. I am excited to make this a part of our lives.

    1. I have to agree, it is a bit sad when a gardening season comes to an end, but always so grateful to have the food it produced :)

      You will love having a seasonal nature table. It is wonderful, and something Reece, and his little friend, look forward to seeing change with and throughout the seasons. Have fun!

  12. Oh Kim, it sounds like another lovely weekend! I just love the picture of the zinnia's (one of my favorite flowers)! And truly, there really is nothing better than clean windows! I was just thinking that I needed to add that to our list for this weekend before I read your post! :)

    Hope that your first day was simply fabulous today! Our first day was totally stellar! So glad that I waited till this week to kick everything off instead of rushing it by doing so last week! xo

    1. It was Shel, so much so I can't wait to do it all over again this weekend :)

      We had a wonderful first day. The kiddos fell back into the "school" rhythm nicely, and Mother Nature blessed us with the most beautiful autumn day. It was prefect! It really is nice to wait the extra week, isn't it? Gives you a chance to soak up the last little bit of summer, and ease back into the homeschool rhythm. Happy it worked out well for you and your girls. xo

  13. What a productive weekend you've had! Those kinds of days are my favourite - they give me purpose, fill me with satisfaction, and brighten my whole outlook! :) Wishing you many more such days...

    1. Yes, yes, yes!! Same here. It feels so good. And let me tell you crawling into bed Sunday night was perfection :)

  14. Your nature table looks wonderful, and what a lovely sounding weekend. Those early morning hours can be so productive, the last week or so I've been lying in bed too long, not sleeping but not getting up, I must start leaping out of bed a bit better again!

    1. Thank you! They are wonderful. I have missed them so much over the last five years. It is only in the last 5 or 6 months that I have been able to sneak out of bed and not disturb Reece. I am loving the quiet of our home in the morning, the amount I can get done before he wakes, and that little bit of time for me. It really makes a big difference in my entire day.

      Hope you can manage to leap out of bed again worth it!

  15. Your weekend sounds magical. I love super productive mornings like that too. They feel so good. I love your Autumn nature table set up. Just beautiful!! Where are your trees from? Those are lovely!

    1. It kinda felt that way. Me too, it set the stage for a whole day of productivity, and I loved it.

      Thanks you. Justin made the trees :) If you want a set shoot me an email, we can definitely make them up for you :)

  16. I love your fall table and your book with the September page open great idea!

  17. I love reading your posts and how they echo and complement our gratitude lists so much :) So beautiful, Kim – thank you, as always, for inspiring and encouraging and sharing your light! xo

    1. You, my friend, know all about my life before I post it here on the blog, and I love that. Thank you for those sweet, kind words Renee, they mean so much coming from you. xo
