Wednesday, May 22, 2013

On My Kitchen Counter


Yes they are on my kitchen counter as we speak. They spend their days on the back deck and come in to the kitchen counter at night. The little man is quite excited about his tadpoles and is eagerly awaiting their metamorphosis into frogs.

We picked up this book from the library a few weeks ago and now have the tadpoles to make the book come alive for Reece. Connecting what we read in a book to real life is fascinating for him and wonderful to watch. I can almost hear the click in his mind as the connections between the two are made. Amazing!

What's on your kitchen counter right now?


  1. We did have two caterpillars that we found in the hackberry trees at the park, but we couldn't figure out what they wanted to eat for anything in the world. We tried all the plants in the park but no luck.

    S keeps wanting to bring home tad poles as well but then what do we do when they become frogs? Just let them go?

    1. Oh no, that is too bad. Our usual go to food for caterpillars is milkweed, not sure if you have it over there.

      Yup, take them back to the creek and let them go :)

  2. oh fun! i loved doing that as a kid!

    1. So did I...brings back so many memories :)

  3. what a cool project! Our kicthen counter is mostly filled with food and kitchen stuff, although we are currently sprouting a sweet potato (which is not nearly as exciting as tadpoles!)

    1. Thanks! Hey sprouting a sweet potato is cool, there is always something sprouting on our counter too, usually seeds or beans of some sort :)

  4. So cute! :) My girls always bring in rocks to draw on, color on, or paint on so I always have a bunch of those on my kitchen counter. There was a big pile of them, but now we just kept the nicest ones.

    1. Thanks Tiffany! Oh the rocks, we have a ton of those in our home too :)

  5. Funny, a friend of mine collected several tadpoles for us from her parents backyard pond and we were planning on raising them. I made extensive research on the subject and found fantastic tutorials on how to build a habitat for them (with water and something dry to crawl on once they can... but then i found out that it is forbidden by law in Germany to collect tadpoles from their natural environment and raise them onself under any circumstances, as they're a protected species. So we will just continue visiting our neighbour who has some in her pond.... Good luck with yours!

    1. Really, wow!! That is too bad, it is such a fun thing to do. At least you can visit them at the pond.

  6. goodness! i have seen a tadpole in years. that sounds interesting. my kitchen counter is mainly food and appliances. which reminds me i should empty the coffee pot.

  7. You are such an awesome mom to keep tadpoles on the counter and feed a little boy's desire and dreams. This seriously made my day. Sending you a HUGE hug!!

    1. Awe, thanks Melissa. Truth be told though I am having just as much fun watching them as he is :)

  8. Very exciting! We've been learning about metamorphosis lately - I'll have to share this with my kiddos!

    1. Thanks! It is pretty exciting. We had our first foray into metamorphosis last summer when we raised a much fun!

  9. You are inspiring me to go tadpole hunting with my little one. We have been baby bird watching mostly ( and growing butterflies! I love spring and all the learning we do during this season. On my counter right now are energy balls my daughter and I just made--yum yum!


    1. You should do it, it is a ton of fun! We have two nests in our yard right now with baby birds in them, amazing to watch how mama bird takes care of them. Growing butterflies is so rewarding, we did it last year and will be out looking for eggs again soon.

      Energy balls...yum!

  10. How fun! We have them in the creek at the bottom of our hill. On our counters right now is a whole lot of nothing!! We had visitors last week and so I purged a lot of things. I love it when they are clear of everything except a few canisters and the mixer!!

    1. It is! Oh yes, clean, clutter free counters are the best :)

  11. Funny that you should mention it... I've got salamanders on my kitchen counter right now. Teeny tiny ones. I'm hoping they graduate to an outdoor home soon but they are great entertainment for my 7 year old. :)

    1. Haha, that is awesome!!! Ours are still inside and will most likely be for a while.

  12. how fun! we recently collected some as well :)
