Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Finding Peace on a Swing

I have been pushing him for about an hour when he hops off the swing and runs to get a drink of water. I quickly hop on and start to pump my legs. I swing higher and higher. The air rushes past my body and a lightness fills me. I feel free. I feel at peace.

The last few days we have consciously stayed close to home. We have been working and playing in the yard, hiking in the woods across the road and spending a lot of time at the swings in the backyard. My little man seems to be going through a little transition and being at home just feels like a good idea.

It has been a week of little patience on Reece's part, he is easily frustrated with us and the world around him. He will call for help, then send me away only to call me back again. He is extra snugly, and has not let me wonder too far from his view. Justin and I have been taking it all in stride, breathing deep and wondering just what our little man is going through.

As I pushed him on the swing yesterday an aura of peace surrounded him. As I pushed him back and forth in silence I could see his shoulders drop and his entire body then relax. I could feel a calm come over him. The odd squeal of happiness was released and I could feel the pure joy and innocence in his laughter. He has spent a lot of time on the swings the last few days. I get the sense there are things stirring inside him, things so big he can't make sense of them. So much for such a little person to handle, but when he hops on the swing it all seems to fade away.

Whatever transition he is going through he is finding peace and calm on a swing. My role right now is to be there, pushing him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...


  1. We too are going through a bit of rough transition. It's testing me to my very core. I'm glad he found a moments peace. :)

  2. Oh, yes, he is coming in on a big one. The Frustration will be huge right now. The the world, as he sees it, is starting to look a bit different, his perception of things is different, he is starting to pull ever so slightly into his independence from you. You are heading into a big time in his life. This is the start of the next 3 years!
    You will be fine, you are a great Mama!!

    1. Thanks for the insight Jennifer, I knew you would have some for me :)

  3. Oh Kim - this post brought tears to my eyes. I want to give you both such big hugs - sending them your way :)

    I'd really like to set up a swing for Bea in our garden, but I am not sure if we have enough space (it's also recommended and mentioned in Heaven on Earth, non?). Will have a think...

    Speak soon

    1. Thanks for the hugs Renee, I can feel them :)

  4. Glad the swing is calming for him... and for you!

  5. I can totally relate to all of this. And we're following the cues to make sure all of our needs are met as well. And with that usually comes my breaks from blogging. I just roll with it.
    Also, loving these new pictures. Are you enjoying the Nikon?

    1. It is tough, but rolling with it is what we have to do.

      Thank you. Yes, really enjoying it...never going back :)

  6. My guess is a growth spurt! My daughter got cranky and out of sorts when a growth spurt loomed. My son was extra hungry and extra clumsy when his growth spurt loomed. I love swinging and I can only go so high on the granny swing in my yard ;) But I'm with you in spirit!!

    1. I guess only time will tell. I am looking forward to the unveiling of the transition, I know it will bring with it a lot of change and growth for all of us.

  7. I love this. I was once told with my first boy that if I wanted feelings to move through him, it was important for him to move. Something about a boy. And I will say with all three, the times they open up the most is within movement: a walk, a game of tag, soccer, shooting hoops in the driveway. XO

    1. Thank you. Wisdom passed down from one mama to another, thank you. I can see how that can be so very true and will keep it in mind as he moves through this transition and the many others to come.

  8. Great post - it is so hard to recognize when little ones are making those transitions sometimes!

  9. I love what swinging does for my children - the strong rhythm, the feeling of being contained in the seat, yet the freedom of flying, and the strength it takes to hold on - it really meets the needs of a child in transition. My oldest went through a long phase of swinging, she would swing for hours. Her teacher told us she needed the strong rhythm and balance that it offered. Now my middle daughter seems to be entering the same phase:-)

    1. Oh thanks for sharing Karen, it does make so much sense when you really think about it. Happy to hear we are not alone in the love of the swing during this transition.

  10. Look at him, so gorgeous! I love how you parent Kim. Keep trusting YOUR instincts and you won't go wrong. Much love to you all. xxoo

    1. Thank Julie, exactly what I am trying to do :) xoxo

  11. I can't believe it's been this long since I've been able to comment on your blog. You are such a good mother being there for him and just letting him have space and time, makes such a difference. Also, LOVE your swing set. I showed E and he had me look up how far away you all live. Just about 13 hours, ha. Far, but much closer than we thought! I have friends at Farm Sanctuary in Upstate New York, Ithaca area, so we might just be up your way in years to come... :) Have to bring Iz to see our farm animal (and people) friends at some point.

    1. I have missed you :) Thank you, really though I am just following my gut, and right now it is telling me to just be there.

      Thanks, we put that in for him (and us) last year. You know you are welcome anytime :)

  12. this is very sweet. i sometimes forget to be so at peace with my little guy's stirring... and i forget how important it is for his own growth. thank you for the sweet reminder.
