Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Offering gratitude today for:

~ early morning light

~ quiet mornings

~ meals outside

~ moments spent in the garden

~ a deepening connection to nature 

~ the roots of our community digging deeper

~ the power of true friendship

~ being surrounded by some pretty inspiring people

~ listening to my inner voice and letting it lead me

~ love and laughter

~ time to sit back and watch my little man chase butterflies

~ the birds who visit our backyard every day and serenade us with their bird song

~ the beauty of watching a flower bloom

~ the food our little homestead provides for us

~ this lovely life we have carved out for ourselves

What are you grateful for today?


  1. I am grateful for walls that are three feet thick to help keep the house cool, that it's cooler in the shade here then in the sun (not so in tucson), An amazing weekend in London, the swallows that fly over the city making me frightened and awed at the same time. Finally being able to drive here.

  2. i am grateful for flexibility, chirpy birds, family, stillness, hope and sweet evening walks.

  3. I am grateful for: my coffee in the morning with my journal, new pens, new knitting, the quiet that is with us without the kids, phone calls from the kids, and watching my garden grow.

  4. I am grateful for: those quiet 3:30 AM nursings just Joseph and I (also grateful he sleeps until 3:30 AM and easily resettles to sleep until the kids wake us both at 7ish), the morning sunshine, the sweet anticipation of spending part of today with my mother and seeing her simple adoration of her youngest grandchild, and how despite my lack of gardening this season the flowering chive, sage and lavender look so very beautiful as I drink my first morning coffee outside. Have a wonderful day Kim :)

    1. How very lovely, hope you are having a wonderful day too Carrie.

  5. lovely list! Today I am grateful for laid-back mornings, strawberries, and getting to watch the cute little ducklings in my back yard!

    1. And those little ducklings are so darn cute, so much fun for you guys right now :)

  6. Wonderful list! To put it quite simply, I'm grateful for everyday!

  7. Gorgeous photos! I'm grateful for sunny summer days spent with my little one. :)

  8. Thanks for this lovely post, it inspired mine today! Grateful to be with my three kids and being aways from work... but "not-so-grateful" for the heavy rain and Deluge here... I htink I would have to make it "grateful" to see the power of mother Nature ;-)

    1. Happy to inspire :) Yes the power of Mother Nature, although I do hope she releases her power for you soon and the sun shines in your part of the world.

  9. Such a gorgeous post of a gorgeous list from a gorgeous friend! XO

    1. Awe, thanks Shel, you are making me blush :)

  10. Meals outside and a deeper connection with community? So many good things. I love reflecting on gratitude and was inspired by you and Reece and the "favorite things about today" notebook. I've started a paper gratitude journal to reflect on what I am grateful for each day and it's been amazing. Thank you for the inspiration. :)

    1. That is wonderful Sara. I too, have my own gratitude journal that I write in every night, such a wonderful way to see how much I have to be grateful for each night before I go to bed.

      Happy to inspire and glad you are enjoying it.
