Thursday, June 6, 2013

Around the Garden

The garden has come alive this week. All those little seeds planted in the last few weeks, the ones filled with so much magic and hope, are sprouting and bringing a whole lot of green into my life. Beets, Swiss chard, kale, snow peas and green beans are all poking through the ground, the strawberries are ripening and the tomato flowers are beginning to appear. It has been an exciting week, and really I haven't done that much in the garden.

We have had quite a bit of rain and when the sun is shining, it has been a little cooler than normal. We did put in two more little raised beds. One for peppermint and the other for nettles. I did not want these two herbs in the herb garden, they have a tendency to take over. I also did not want to be constantly coming in contact with the nettles in the herb garden. It took me a while to figure out exactly what I was going to do with them. Two seperate beds, with room to grow, was the perfect solution. I think they look great!

We have rain and cooler temperatures in the forecast for the next few days, but by early next week sunshine and normal temperatures. With the return of the sun I will be planting the last few rows of green beans and salad greens and mulching the rest of the gardens.

How are things around your garden?


  1. Your garden is so bountiful and beautiful! What a lovely place to be in. I enjoy partaking in the pictures...what more to be actually there? Wow!

    1. Thanks Renee :) You know you are welcome anytime.

  2. Beautiful. I must ask why you are going to plant nettles and not just forage for them? Don't they grow in your area too? Do you plan to use a lot of nettles?

    1. Thanks KC. I have yet to find any in the areas we frequent, so when I saw them at the herb garden center I thought why not? Would be nice to have them around and within easy reach. Reece and I are heading out camping in a few weeks to a new spot, hoping maybe we find some on our adventures...fingers crossed.

  3. How lovely! Ours is coming along well as well. We keep waiting for all the frost-risky nights to be over to plant our tomatoes and cucs and such, but all the cold-lovng veggies are well under way! :-)

    1. Thanks! Frost, still a risk of that where you are...yikes. Glad the cold loving stuff is under way :)

  4. How exciting! Your gardens look great. I just dehydrated some neetles for tea. I don't have them in my gardens but them seem to be in abundance around our home. Hoping warm weather and lots of sun find you soon :)

    1. Thank you! I am hoping to use some for tea, most likely not this year, but next year once it takes off :)

  5. Your soil looks rich! We have peppers, tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, and nasturtium.

  6. I just love those first green shoots :) You have a beautiful garden!

  7. Isn't it nice when things start to grow? We are still waiting for our garden to show some life.

    1. Oh yes, so wonderful to see everything growing. Hope you see some sign of life soon :)
