Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Seven Things

Thankful. Smiling. Laughing. Appreciating. Adoring.
Loving. Holding. Remembering. Sharing. 

Here are seven little things that I'm loving today.


Harry....our rooster

And his hens

The connection between my little man and "his" hen, Cloudy

A clean, simplified office space

A pantry slowing getting filled with the summer harvest to enjoy all winter long

Our growing collection of snail shells

Reece's first rainbow

What simple little things are you loving today?


Linking up with Lisa at Little Coffee Beans for Seven Things


  1. That is a great list Kim. Your office space is really quite lovely. I will be cleaning out my studio today and hoping to make it more functional.
    Right now I am enjoying the quiet, a hot cup of tea and my knitting sitting right here in front of me. It's a slow morning and I'm just going to go with it.

    1. Thanks Tracey. I am happy to have my office cleaned out, it seems over the summer I just started piling stuff and never getting it put away...made it kinda hard to work. It feels so much calmer and beautiful now.

      Sounds like a lovely morning, hope you made good progress cleaning out your studio.

  2. Hey, thanks for playing along again Kim! I didn't realize you had a rooster. Is he loud? And our pantry is looking similar to yours! I'm loving how much food we're putting up this year. Happy Tuesday!

    1. My pleasure Lisa :) We didn't know we had a rooster until he started cockadoodooing a few weeks ago. We weren't sure if we wanted a rooster, but he is awesome and we love him, so he gets to stay. Plus it means we can hatch some of our own eggs in the spring...which will be very cool. He is not that loud, but I do think he will get louder.

  3. I love the picture of your little man with his rooster. Your office looks lovely.

  4. So lovely! I adore your "office." Such a neat space. And Harry is such a majestic fellow!

    1. Thanks Melissa. Now you know where I work and read everyone's blogs...right there in that little space :) Majestic describes him perfectly.

  5. Love the idea of this blog post! Love your Rooster & Chickens! I can't wait to have a space where I can have chickens & veggy gardens!! Looks lovely! You have such a nice home & outdoor space kim!

    1. It is a great idea, Lisa Coffee of http://littlecoffeebeans.typepad.com/ gets the credit of that.

      And thank you. You need to get over here and visit my space in person :)

  6. wow what a majestic rooster, he's beautiful! will you be hatching chicks eventually as well? Mmmmm your pantry looks delicious!

    1. Thanks Heather. Yes, we are thinking about doing it next spring. We didn't know we had a rooster, but are loving it. And thanks, we hope it will keep we well fed this winter :)

  7. I love his first rainbow the best (the shells are a close second). I love how you capture the newness of what your son sees through your lens :)

    1. I do too :) It was pretty amazing. Thank you.

  8. Such wonderful summer things - love the chicken shots!!

  9. Hi Kim,
    I love this post. :)

    Love, Taryn

  10. your hens... reece... pantry... office space... ahhhhhhh!!!!
