Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Mama when......
Mama why.....
Mama how...
And more questions.
Such is life with a three year old.
I am amazed at the questions he asks.
I am full of wonder at the capacity of his curiosity.
I try to answer each and every question with thought and purpose.

One day, I realize, he isn’t always asking to be answered.
His questions are an invitation,
An invitation inviting me into his world,
To explore, to be curious, to follow, to share.
With each question he is pulling me deeper into his world.

So, ask your questions my little man.
Keep inviting me into your world,
I am coming,
I am following,
I am learning,
I am growing,
I am changing,
Right along with you.

I am with you on your journey, and I am loving every minute of it.


  1. Oh! This takes me back...and brought a tear or two. I so miss this age...the questions, the learning, the adventures! I am now the last person they want on the adventure because I'm the "mom" (Said in THAT tone) and I am boring and I don't get it....sigh....I was told this would pass too. Probably about the time they don't need me any more.

    1. I am sure that is such a tough time, I will be turning to you when I go through it. And they will always need you, they just don't realize it :)

  2. Wise Mama. It is tempting, I agree to try to answer all the questions. Just being/playing/listening is really all they need sometimes. Happy vernal equinox to you all!

    1. Happy spring to you too Lisa. And yes, they just need us there, that is all :)

  3. So very true. My 4 year old daughter is the queen of questions! Very often asking me questions she knows the answers to. It is as though she wants to keep me constantly engaged in her world ie. her thought process, her imagination. A very insightful post.

    1. Thanks! It is amazing how smart they are, isn't it? In the end that is all they want to keep us in their world right beside them.

  4. Oh, yes! I totally agree with this and love this post. There does come a time when we need to stop before answering and just listen. Takes me back a few years to that curious age.

    1. Such a fun age. Glad you liked the post. So important to listen, I think this is one of the greatest gifts we can give out children.

  5. Yes! You are right. We do not have to give them the answers to their wonderings. It is in the wondering that the world truly come alive.
    Very nice post.

    1. Thanks Priscilla. I am so enjoying wondering with Reece.

  6. Happy Spring to you Kim! I couldn't get to your space so I am double marking you so I don't loose you again! :)

    1. That is too bad, glad you are back :) Happy Spring to you too!

  7. This is a gorgeous post Kim. I love your photos from this post and the previous one.
