Monday, September 9, 2013

Our Weekend

On Saturday morning a rainy trip to the market meant very few people wondering around and a few farmers offering us a deal here and there. It also meant time to chat with farmers, who were more than happy to share some of their secrets with me. So, yes we did get wet, but it was so worth it. The rest of the rainy day was spent at home. There was some baking, a little tomato processing, some crafting, a game or two, and a ton of paper airplanes made and thrown about. We enjoyed a quiet evening once the little man was tucked in...a little reading, a little listening, a little knitting and lots of hot tea.

The traditional pancake breakfast began our day on Sunday and the rest of the day was pretty chill. A walk in the woods, enjoying wild blackberries trail side, a little afternoon tea with my parents, a visit with my in-laws and then back home for a bowl of homemade soup and bread for dinner.

The days here are shifting. Darkness comes earlier each night, covers are pulled up on the bed at night, the house is a little chilly in the morning, soup has been on the menu a few times this week and the kettle is seeing more action as I try to keep my mug full of hot tea. Fall is coming, and I think I am finally ready for it.

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. "covers pulled up" YES! I was cold this early morning and I loved it. Soon the woolies will be out. No rain here but it threatened.

    1. We have had a few chilly ones, but from what I hear we will be back in summer gear for the rest of the week.

  2. Oh, I need to get at that tomato processing today, in the worst way. Getting started is always the hardest part for me.

    Your Sunday sounds like my kind of day. I would say cherish those, but I know you do. :)

  3. sounds relaxing! we can feel fall heading our way too....

  4. I am so envious that you are having chilly mornings, here it is still hot!
    And blackberry picking? We picked way back in May, but at least I was able to freeze some.
    Enjoy your Monday.

    1. It seems summer is heading our way again tomorrow, suppose to be hot, hot, hot!

      Yup, wild blackberry season up here now, amazing how different it is.

  5. The wild berries look delish- the color is so rich.
    ...and yes, it does seem to get dark so quick here too- don't know if I am quite ready for fall yet.
    Have a lovely week Kim & Reece!

    1. They are, we are still enjoying our harvest. Thanks and you too!

  6. i can't even imagine the beginnings of fall. i am jealous. what a great weekend. :)

  7. fall sounds glorious. send me a bit, won't you?

    1. I will, but it seems summer is coming back to us tomorrow for the rest of the week...not looking forward to the heat and crazy humidity.

  8. I love that last picture! Those blackberries look scrumptious too. We've finally settled in here and are getting back to normal. I like it! :) Now if only I was able to save all those beeswaxed leaves you sent last year. I think this year for the fall equinox we will go to the mountains where they have a variety of maple trees and collect some to dip. Great fall crafting idea!

    1. Thanks KC. What a great idea for the fall equinox, you guys will enjoy waxing your own leaves :)

  9. Oh how I love a good rainy day to putter around indoors. I think I am finally ready for fall too, but I am enjoying all of the tomatoes coming off the vines still. Glad to hear you all had such a lovely weekend.
