Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday Morning Thoughts

I just watched as the most stunning moon dipped behind the tree line. Did you see it last night or this morning? Gorgeous, full, bright, it took my breath away. Nature never ceases to amaze me, and always leaves me with a feeling of hope and lightness. I am feeling light this morning. Maybe it is the yoga I finished a short while ago, maybe it is steps I took this weekend to bring more peace into my life, maybe it is the love and support of friends and family, maybe it is the excitement around new studies I am undertaking, maybe it is the energy shift this moon is suppose to bring. Whatever it is, I am feeling light, and happy. It's a good feeling.

My little man and I spent time in the woods out behind our home on Saturday. He took his remote control monster truck to ride the trail and the big hills, I took clippers and gently pruned evergreens, offering gratitude with each snip. The pile of evergreens turned into beautiful winter decorations that are now adorning the fence and my home. Lights were put up too, and all of sudden it feels like the holiday season around here. Inside we pulled out a few seasonal decorations, and added a little wintry touch, while Christmas music played in the background. I do love this time of year, not for the commercial gift giving side of things, but for the hope, love and light this season tends to bring.

There are always challenges in life, and I have had my fair share throughout the last year, but I have learned one thing....attitude is everything. Challenges have attempted to bring me down, to take away this precious time I have with my little man, and each day I say no, not today. I won't let the obstacles prevent me from living a life full of joy, and intention. Yes, some days that is harder than others, but every day I get up, I plant my feet firmly on the earth and start fresh. Each day is a new beginning, and I get to choose how I live it. I get to choose the story I write on the blank page each day. My story this last year is filled with things I never thought would be written in the pages of my life, but they are there, and honestly, those things have brought me to where I am right now, so maybe that journey served a purpose. I am a stronger, more resilient person than I was a year ago. I am, sadly, more aware of the ill intentions of others, which has definitely put me in a position of being much less trusting, but I have hope, in time, that trust will find a way back into my life, one day.

As my little man and I step forward into this special time of year, I am holding onto the hope, love and light surrounding this season. I am leaning into the joy and goodness that is shared among friends and family, and strangers too. I am stepping forward into my most favourite time of the year happy, strong and content.

My friends, I wish you the most wonderful start to your week.


  1. attitude is everything. Yes! My gram had challenges in life and yet she had a smile on her face and was overall a positive person and someone who I looked up to over and over. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season ahead :)

    1. It is! Your gram sounds like she was a very happy and positive person. Thank you Karen, I wish the same for you too. xo

  2. i love the way you talk about the turn of season. those are exactly the things i like to focus on in our days here. i have been trying to remind myself about the "attitude is everything" mindset. i've been finding myself a bit more bogged down and glum this season... i don't really know why... but i think it has a lot to do with my perspective. i'm working on changing that :)

    1. Aw, thank you. It really is everything, isn't it? I find lately that I move in waves of feeling great and on top of the world, and then I slip under the waves and struggle to catch my breath. I have to keep reminding myself when I am under the waves that eventually I end up back on top again, I just have to get through it. Not always easy.

      Hang in there my friend. If you ever need to chat, always here. xo
