Monday, August 24, 2015

Summer Memories

Summer is slowly fading, I am now rising in darkness each morning, and the sun sets a little earlier in the evening. It is a shift I welcome, a shift that holds a special kind of energy. As we begin the final farewell to summer I have been thinking about the last few months, and it fills me with such happiness.

We enjoyed a full summer here on our little homestead, not busy, but full. Many days spent at home, puttering around the gardens, working on our home, creating more of the life we want to lead. We had friends over for lunches, play dates, and gatherings, sharing this land we love, and enjoying the wonderful company of people who are special to us. There was time in nature, and visits to the beach. We welcomed friends for overnight stays, first Renee and her family, and this past weekend, Yanic and her family.

Over the last three days we had the wonderful pleasure of getting to know Yanic and her family in person. I am not sure how long ago Yanic and I "met" through our blogs, but since that time we have gotten to know each other through our blog posts, emails, and letters. Making connections, such as this one, through blogging has been one of the biggest, most wonderful surprises, but taking it a step further, to met in person, to share a weekend together with our families, watching our kiddos connect, play and have fun, well, nothing comes close to describing how truly wonderful it was.

We spent our days together doing things we all enjoy...visiting the market, knitting, hiking in the woods, crafting, and sitting fireside in the evenings as the sun set, and the stars filled the sky. We talked about so many of the wonderful things that fill our lives, and we connected in a new way, in person. We watched as our kiddos played, ran around, enjoyed time together, and at one point returned home from a hike with the dads, covered head to toe in mud.

There was a little sadness this morning as they packed up their car for the drive home, but there was also happiness, at a weekend spent getting to know each other better, connecting on a deeper level, and enjoying simple days together. It was a wonderful weekend, and it will be a big part of our 2015 summer memories. Plans are in the works for another visit in the next few months, and I know it will be just as filling as this one was.


As the light of summer slowly fades, I am feeling a gentle pull to step back from this space for a few weeks so I can sink fully into this time. I will pop in for my 52 Project photo, but other than that, things will be quiet here.

Take care, my friends, and I will see you again soon.


  1. Beautiful space that I discovered tonight, I will return often, thank you...

    1. Hello Chantall, thank you for your kind words and for stopping by :)

  2. I adore the photo of the two kiddos sitting outside, working with yarn. So sweet! Enjoy your time away. :-)

    1. The two of them had an instance connection, and got along pretty well all weekend. It was wonderful to witness.

      Thank you, I will.

  3. Such fun getting together with friends and making memories.
    There has been a noticed shift here, even the heat is melting and
    I once again have my fingers crossed that there will be snow in my future.
    Enjoy your time away and I will see you soon.

    1. Yes, indeed! I am glad to hear you are noticing the shift down there too Tracey, I know how hard this hot, sticky summer has been for you. Wishing you cooler days ahead. xo

  4. i've been feeling the same pull - the one to pull back - but i just had to stop by and hear about your visit. so glad you guys had such a great time, such a heartwarming story, and the pictures of the kids are very sweet. enjoy the rest of august. xo

    1. It is a gentle pull, a quiet need to just soak in these last few weeks. It feels quite lovely actually.

      We had a wonderful time, and can't wait to do it all again in the next few months.

      Thanks Carlin, we will.

      PS I received your lovely package in the mail, thank you so much. So beautiful! Reece and I have plans to sit down and write back to you, and the girls today :)

  5. A beautiful summer. I love the shot of you all on the beach and the sparkler photo. Ok, I love every photo you post, but you know that. It sounds like a perfect summer. The type to hold on to. Thank you for my weekly dose of peace in a very unpeaceful time. Be well.

    1. It certainly has been, and we are all set to soak up this last little bit. I think that beach photo is my favourite, it pretty much sums up the weekend :)

      Definitely holding on to this summer, it was magical in so many ways.

      You are welcome my friend, happy to know I can bring a little peace your way during this time. xo

  6. I'm jealous!!! How nice you had your two families together :) I know you had a fantastic time!!

    1. We really did Karen. It was absolutely wonderful!

  7. Lovely photos. You can feel the happiness in them. Glad you had a nice, full summer. I'm a tiny bit happy about the change in weather, and have noticed it's getting dark sooner.
    Enjoy your time away!

    1. Thanks Darcel. I have to admit to being happy about the shift too, I look forward to the changing seasons, and moving into fall is one of my favourite times.

      Thank you, will do :)

  8. Your weekend with Yanic looked beautiful (how wonderful to have a chance to deepen a friendship(... Have a wonderful break Kim...enjoy the few weeks of summer.

    1. It was beautiful Erica, in many ways. Thank you, you too!

  9. Awww! So sweet! Looks like an awesome summer, full of memories! :)

  10. Thank you again for such an amazing week-end. We were sad to leave. The conversation seems very tame today and the kids just don't know what to do with themselves. The kiddos miss Reece a lot and Little Man tries to recline on our cats' back the way he reclined on Shelby all week-end. Not to mention that it was raining here this morning when we woke up, so gray + sad = children that were asking me how many days before New years. :-)

    Have a lovely break my dear, we will be here when you return. Enjoy these days. I'm looking forward to sinking into them myself. xo

    1. You are most welcome Yanic. We were sad to see you go. It has been awfully quiet around here, and we have missed you guys around the table for meals today.

      Hehe, I bet the cat isn't enjoying that. Reece to has been asking how long to New Years.

      Thanks, we will enjoy them. xo

  11. Enjoy your rest, my friend. Such sweet memories you must have shared with Yanic. I can imagine your families will treasure them. Love you both!

    1. Thanks Alexa. It truly was a wonderful weekend, and I feel very lucky that our families got the chance to connect in this way.

      Aw, that love is coming right back to you my friend. xo

    2. Sending you love as well... xo

  12. Sounds like a wonderful visit. Thanks for sharing the pictures! I really love that one of the two little ones walking down the path. They look like they are enjoying themselves, connecting and deep in conversation! Enjoy your time away from here and see you again soon!

    1. It really, truly was wonderful, in so many ways. I love that photo too, it really shows the instant connection the two of them had, and the friendship that developed over the weekend.

      Thank you!

  13. What fun!! I love how none of the kids are looking at the camera. Oh kids. :) Hugs and see in a while!

    1. Tons of fun! We had a blast, all weekend. Thanks KC.

  14. How fun, getting to know people in person who you already know through words. Sounds like you have had a fun and full summer. I am welcoming the shift towards fall as well, although I wish the light length could stay the same. I am not very good at waking up when it is still dark... ;)

    1. It was pretty amazing Taryn. We have had a wonderful summer, the kind I had hoped we would have.

      It is a lovely shift isn't it? And yes, the dark in the morning is tough. I find lighting a few candles helps :)

  15. Oh, it sounds like you had so much fun. I'm glad. I hope you have a nice, restful time now.

    1. We did Jennifer, it was a wonderful weekend. Thank you. xo

  16. As I just posted on Yanic's space, how wonderful to see two of my favorite bloggers connecting in person!


    1. Aw, you are so sweet :) It was wonderful to meet for the first time in person, and we can't wait to get together again in the next few months.

      Hope you are well Karen. xo

  17. What an awesome summer you must have had! Isn´t it wonderful, how the internet/our blogs bring people together! Enjoy your quite time! take care and enjoy the fading summertime:)

    1. We have had a wonderful summer. Yes, the internet, and this space, has brought some pretty amazing people into my life, and I feel so very blessed.

      Thank you.

  18. I love that this blog relationship has become an in-person one for you! I always wonder what my blog friend's voices sound like. How fun to find out! :)

    1. I do to Kristen. It really is special to met blog friends in real life.

  19. Your Summer sounds full of beautiful memories. I love the way blogging has helped me to connect with so many different people from so many different walks of life. Enjoy your rest these next few weeks :)

    1. Yes, so many memories, wonderful memories. Blogging has a really special way of connecting people, and I feel so lucky to have formed so really wonderful relationships through this space.

      Thank you, I have been enjoying the little break :)

  20. What beautiful images and memories! So many happy moments to treasure :) Enjoy your quiet time away xxx

    1. Thanks Em. Hope you are well my friend. A letter is on its way to you :)


  21. Oh what a wonderful way to round off the summer and start to move towards autumn. Enjoy your quiet days although I do hope you'll share your garden once more before the end of the season!

    1. It was the perfect way to end the summer. Thanks Carie, and yes, there will be more garden posts, still so much happening out there, and the fall/winter garden is growing now too, so I will be sharing that throughout the fall.

  22. beautiful summer memories and a closing of the season xx

    1. Yes, truly the perfect way to end our summer. xo

  23. A wonderfully full summer. How lovely that you meet up with Yanic and got along so well.
    Summer fading here too, the evenings and mornings are getting quite chilly but I love the autumn so I'm happy about the cooler temperatures too.
    Enjoy your quiet time.
    à bientôt

    1. It really was lovely, and seeing our kiddos get along so well, was just wonderful! We have had some very chilly mornings and evenings this week, so much so, we have been tucked in under quilts once the sun goes down. The humidity and heat is coming back this weekend though and should be with us through next week...the last summer hurrah.

      Thank you, it has been a lovely week, and I look forward to one more week of soaking up summer.


  24. Sounds like you had a wonderful summer! Enjoy your little blogging break. Looking forward to reading more of you soon again my friend!! xx

    1. Truly wonderful! Thank you Halina, I will be back in another week, just soaking up the last of summer and getting myself together for our homeschooling year...little man starts grade 1 this year :)


  25. It looks like a truly wonderful weekend, how lovely that you've been able to deepen your connection and that more plans are afoot, and just as lovely for your children to become friends too. Have a wonderful break enjoying the last of Summer XXX

    1. It truly was Sally. We were sorry to see it end. And yes, plans are underway, fingers crossed it all works out.

      Thank you, I am enjoying the little break, and soaking up this last bit of summer in full force :)


  26. Dear Kim, what a wonderful weekend it must have been with Yanic and her family. This connection with mindful people that begun through internet is just magic!!!! I just came back yesterday at home after a 3 weeks break for holidays all together. I did not touch a computer during all these days and this step back was good for thinking of this year to come and the way to take it. I do not have all the answers, but many things will change, for sure! Have a nice time for you! A big hug.

    1. It was Sandra, we are actually still talking about it in our home :) It is magical, and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would make these kind of connections through this space. It truly is wonderful!

      Looking forward to hearing more about the changes afoot.

      Big hugs being sent your way too my friend. xo

  27. How cool! I am so glad you got to spend time with great friends! Sounds like you had an amazing time. Hope your time away from this space is nourishing and fulfilling!

    1. We certainly did, and we can't wait to do it again soon :)

      Thank you, soaking up the goodness of these last summer days and so enjoying them.

  28. Enjoy your quiet time! I am in the opposite - slowly emerging after months of quiet :) Much love xx

  29. How nice that you got to know Yanic. And I love that you said your summer was full, but not busy. What a good way to live life--to be free from that thing that says we must be busy to be full and productive. Sounds like your summer has been lovely. :)

    1. Yes, it was lovely. Thank you. I think being busy is overrated, and I often find people who are busy are doing things that don't always make their hearts sing. Living a life of fullness, for me, means I might have days that are busy, but they don't seem that way, because everything in that day makes my heart sing. The day is filled to the brim with things that fill me up, and make me happy.

      It has been lovely, just the way I had hoped it would be when we stepped into summer a few months ago. Hope you are well Mia.
