Thursday, February 19, 2015

Loving Winter

Some people find it difficult to believe that we actually enjoy winter, but we do...really, we do! While there are some aspects of winter that are not always fun, like the very frigid temperatures we have been experiencing lately, for the most part winter provides us with lots of opportunities to explore our world during a different season.

Next week, Reece and I will head south to visit with my parents for a few weeks, when we return, spring will be just around the corner and winter as we know it, will be starting to fade quickly. With that in mind we are trying to soak up as much of winter as we can. Daily trips to the woods have been happening this week, and there has been lots of time spent in the yard, playing, and on my part, dreaming.

I joked with Reece on Tuesday, as we walked in the woods at one of our local conservation areas, that the temperature, at -12C, actually felt warm. We spent a good part of the morning in the woods, and didn't see another person, we had the entire place to ourselves. We stood in silence more than once, taking in the peace and calm of the woods. We listened to the rat tat tat of a woodpecker, we stopped, turned our faces to the sun to feel her warmth, and we sat in the snow, quieted ourselves and our minds and reveled in the silence.

There is a deep sense of connection I feel in the woods, to myself, to nature, and to Reece. And I know, from a feeling I get deep inside, that Reece feels the same way. It is one of my greatest joys to share this simple, ordinary pleasure with him.


  1. Such a beautiful opportunity. You are brave to be out and about in -12!

  2. Simple ordinary pleasures are the best- usually they are for free and make for the best memories :)
    Enjoy the snow you lucky ducks!

    1. Yes, I totally agree. We are enjoying it, although the frigid temps are back today, making being outside a little challenging. But warmer temps and more snow coming on the weekend!

  3. have a safe trip and have fun! I love winter as well :)

  4. Such beautiful pictures and a wonderful day in the woods. While we were living in Germany, we had woods nearby and we all loved talking walks there during the wintertime.

    1. Thanks Anke. It is such a blessing to have the woods nearby, I am not sure what I would do if they weren't so close.

  5. We enjoy winter too :) There is so much to do - ski, skate, sled, snowshoe, pond hockey... Then, get cozy by the fire upon returning home.

    1. Yes, coming inside to the fire, and tea is part of the winter ritual here.

  6. I'm quite jealous of how much snow you're surrounded by! Too few trees around here, where im living, i'm longing for big forest walks, my baby on my back!

    1. I have to admit we really are enjoying it. Winter without snow just isn't winter. Sorry the woods aren't close enough for you.

  7. We are the same here. I mean, nobody likes extremes (in winter OR summer), but there is little that beats a nice long walk on a crisp winter day. I think what I honestly love the most is being able to see all the things you can't see in summer. Everything the lushness of greenery hides. Isn't every part of the year a miracle really? I feel blessed everyday that we live somewhere where all 4 seasons are so amazingly distinct.

    Hope your day was a wonderful one. xo

    1. Yes, I too feel blessed to live somewhere with four distinct seasons, and I can't imagine living somewhere that doesn't have the shifts we do.

      Thanks, it was lovely, hope yours was too. xo

  8. Reading this reminds me of when I was little (I grew up in the Chicago area), and the endless days I spent outside in our yard - playing in the snow and in the corner of woods bordering our yard. In some ways, I think it was my greatest connection to nature and such a place of total peace. I've always regretted that girls won't have that, there are few things that match up. It's so nice to hear how much you are enjoying it. I can't really remember -12!, but that first picture makes it all look beautiful. :)

    1. So happy I could bring those memories back for you Carlin. It sounds like a lovely time in your life.

      Thank you. xo

  9. We love winter too - lots of fun things to do outdoors and all nice and cozy indoors. However come april I'm more than happy to pack away all the ski gloves, helmets, pants etc that have been dripping and drying all over the house.

    1. Yes, it is that balance of outdoor to indoor time that makes it really wonderful. The fresh cold air, and then coming in to the warm, cozy house...always nice.

      Ha, yes we are the same, actually with each season. I love them all, and have special things I enjoy about each, but when they are nearing the end I am so ready for the change and shift.

  10. I recall one time when I was a child the temperature went from -30F to 30F overnight and everyone was running around in t-shirts! I suppose that's how people who live in the Arctic Circle make it, they are used to the crisp cold!

    I think I've mentioned this before, but I am so looking forward to the days when we can spend lots of winter time outdoors together as a family. Mattheus is up for it, but the littler ones still have to learn a bit more about keeping hats and mittens on!

    The world is so often a beautiful place through the lens of your beautiful blog! Thank you.

    1. Are you kidding, that is crazy! It is hard with little ones who won't keep their hats and mittens on, I wish I could say I remember those days, but Reece was always good about keeping his on :) I was lucky I guess.

      Thank you for those very kind words my friend, so lovely of you to say. xo

  11. This has been a fun winter, with lots and lots of snow. The only downsides are when I have to drive somewhere in the midst of it (work, blah) and all the other people complaining nonstop about it (in a few months, those same people will be complaining that it's too hot!).

    1. Yes, I don't much like driving in it either. Most days I can change our schedule if the snow is falling, but some days I can't. I have been watching the weather for our travels south next week, trying to decide when to leave. The last two years I have driven through snowstorms going south and they haven't been fun. I am hoping this year is my lucky year, and I don't encounter one.

      Ah, yes, we have people like that in our lives too. I think they just need something to complain about...all the time :)

  12. That's just magical! Simplebut extraordinary simple and beautiful!

  13. I do love Winter but I find February hard where I live. It warms up just enough that the snow melts and it is rainy and grey all month, no blue sky, no sun. I am usually ready for both by the time March comes around! Enjoy your trip south :)

    1. I can see how that would make it a difficult month. We have had February's like that in the past, not many, but a few, and I definitely don't enjoy them as much as the ones with snow.

      Thank you, we will. As Reece says, we are headed south in search of spring. I sure hope we find it :)

  14. I admire your always being out and about regardless of the weather. Really if you dress appropriately there's no reason not to and with so much beauty right outside of your door how could you resist?

    Even so, I hope you enjoy your vacation and family time in a warmer climate. Can't say I would mind escaping to Florida for a bit myself. :)

    1. Awe, thanks my friend. Yes, dressed properly anything is doable :)

      Oh, we will enjoy it. I am looking forward to walks on the beach, and dipping my toes in the ocean. And the sun, with its warmth, I can't wait for that.

      How are you? Are you holding a new baby yet?

  15. It just looks beautiful though I can't get my head around -12, whether it feels warm or not!! There are bits about winter that I'm not so keen on but everything's better as long as you can get outside!

    1. Haha, it is normally cold to us, but this year with the extreme cold we have been having, it actually felt warm :)

      Totally agree!

  16. It is very important to feel that connection with naure, with our Mother Earth, as everything else, winter has its nice side. Your photos are really nice.
    Enjoy your trip to your parents!!

    Lluisa xoxo

    1. I think it is. It is such a comfort to me that I can step into the woods, and suddenly everything seems to melt away...troubles, frustrations, and so on. It is a place of connection for me, but also of healing.

      Thank you, we will!

  17. I love winter too. And everyone seems to think I'm crazy as well :). I handle cold better than heat and I love the quiet it brings, especially here where we live. The stable is much louder and busy the rest of the year so it's nice to have the winter to recharge.

    1. The quiet of winter is something I love too. On this day, Reece and I sat in silence for quite some time enjoying the quiet, there was nothing to hear, except the beating of our was pretty amazing. And to share it with him, well, that is the best thing in the world.

  18. It certainly looks beautiful and peaceful!

  19. You are so lucky to live in a place where you actually felt winter... We don't have much snow here or just on the heights and sometimes I really miss the real winter... Your pictures are beautiful, thank you for sharing...

    1. Thank you. I do feel lucky to live here, to experience Mother Nature in all her differing seasons. Such a blessing.

  20. It's so beautiful and quiet over there - i'm sure you must achieve such clarity living in such a place l !!! But i know how cold ontario winter can be and I hope you and Reece have a great time with your parents...

    1. It sure is Erica, and we are enjoying it :) Yes, all the time. Thank you, I am sure we will!

  21. Beautiful post! I love winter too, but I also enjoy taking a break from it! We are heading to Myrtle Beach to visit my parents for a week in March. Is that your southern destination too?

    1. Thanks Carrie.

      Yes, we leave Monday! When are you going? We will be there for two weeks. Let me know, maybe we can get together for a swim or some seashell hunting with the kids.

    2. We aren't leaving until March 14th :(

    3. Well that is too bad, it would have been lovely to see you again. Maybe next year?

  22. I still laugh every time I think about when I wrote to you from the mountains saying it was sooo cold at 25F and you responded with no, -40 is cold, 25F is warm. :) Happy travels!! :) Can't wait to see those beach pictures.

    1. Haha, it is all relative I think :) Thank you my friend, we can't wait to get to the beach.

  23. Beautiful pictures. I so appreciate your love of all the seasons. We have more snow coming today, and I don't want to just hunker down for the weekend...thinking of how to get the kids out in it...maybe pop some snowshoes on them! Have a great trip!

    1. Awe, thank you. Each is truly special, and offers something different for us to explore. I hope you can get those kiddos out in the snow, good memories are made in the snow. We have a storm blowing through tomorrow, and another on Tuesday. We are hitting the road south on Monday, between the two storms :) Thanks, I am sure we will!

  24. I just need to move!!!
    Love the photos Kim, thank you.
    Happy weekend.

    1. Too funny Tracey. You could just come for a visit :) Glad you enjoyed them Tracey. Wishing you a lovely weekend too.

  25. As much as I love the Summer, there is something incredibly special about the woods in snow. And your photos have captured the atmospheric beauty of that so well, I feel like I can hear the quiet stillness of them.

    1. I agree, there is. I think, as you said, it is the quiet stillness, the peace. It really is wonderful. Thank you for your kind words my friend.

  26. I too also love getting out in all this snow were having. All this snow is keeping me outside and motivated to exercise. I love snowshoeing in the woods behind our house. And I agree if you dress appropriately you will be just fine. I actually can in from outside today and was alittle sweaty, once you start moving you warm right up. Thanks for the post glad to know there are others who are enjoying and taking advantage of the beautiful snow!

    1. Sounds like you are enjoying winter as much as we are Jenni, that is wonderful to hear. Enjoy it, spring will be here soon :)

  27. I would gladly do a swop with you right now Kim. I do enjoy each of the seasons, but Summer is my least favourite. Summer has been gentle with us here this year, but I don't like the hottest days or the most humid days. Autumn is just around the corner though, and Autumn is my favourite season. Enjoy your last days of winter Kim and have fun on your holiday. I'm sure you will. Much love xo

    1. We will Julie, and you enjoy those last days of summer. Thank you. xo

  28. so beautiful :) there is something amazing about being out in nature... away from distraction that quiets the mind unlike anything else. it is so wonderful.... and so good for us... i am glad you do it so often (and inspire me to do it more as well).

    1. Yes, to all you have said Jenny. Happy to inspire, you have that great spot across the road, get on out there :)

  29. Replies
    1. Yes, and we are loving it, well...we were, now we are in search of some warmer temps :)
