Monday, October 6, 2014

Thoughts on My Morning Run

It's dark when my feet hit the pavement. The air is calm, the earth still asleep. Moving slowly, one stride at a time, I watch, I listen. A bird starts to sing in the woods, a squirrel chatters. As I turn the corner the rolling hills I will run stretch out before me and the sun gently rises in the sky. The earth awakens before my eyes, as the meditative sound of my feet settle my mind. My spirit soars, my soul feels alive. As my heart beats faster with each hill, the rhythm of my breath, inhale, exhale, is my focus. The only thought is pushing ahead, to the top. At the top the road flattens for a bit, I find a comfortable pace and settle in...until the next hill.

Life is kind of like a run. At times we are comfortable, living life on the flat road, things are good, we are happy, and live seems to be moving along at a good pace. Other times we are working those hills, maybe struggling for a breath, we dig deep inside to find that last little bit of energy to get us to the top. Finally, we get there, and when we do, goodness, it feels wonderful. And then we hit the downhill. At first it feels good, exhilarating. Gravity does the work, we just lean into it and go. But as we reach the bottom of the hill we need to find that rhythm again. The place where things are settled and comfortable.

My runs push me to new limits, stretching the athlete inside, but they are also a wondeful reminder that like a run, life has its ups and downs, its good days and its not so good days. But no matter what, I always end up back at home. Home, a place filled with memories, and love, a place I feel safe, and a place where I (and we) have built a solid foundation on which we have grown and continue to grow.

So if today you are struggling up that hill, keep going, push through because the other side is a little easier. Know you are not alone, others are with you, working to get up that hill. You will make it to the top, we all do, it just takes a little longer for some. If you happen to be enjoying the flat road at the moment, the flow and ease of life filled with good things, enjoy it, and maybe make an effort to throw out a smile to one of those struggling to get to the top today. One day you will need that smile too.


  1. One of your best posts ever Kim!

    Have a beautiful Monday.

    1. Thank you Tracey. Hope you had a lovely day. xo

  2. What a beautiful meditation to begin this week. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Love your words Kim- very inspiring.

  4. Beautiful and so true! I'm ready to get back to some of those morning runs, soon!

    1. Yes, very soon. I love my morning runs, so happy to be able to squeeze them in.

  5. I adore you and your writing :)

  6. Thank you for the sweet inspiration Kim! Much love!

    1. Happy to share Tiffany. Thank you for stopping by today. xo

  7. i'm not a runner myself... but this post is rings true in so many ways. thanks for the beautiful words... have a great monday !!!

    1. Thanks Erica, hope you are having a great Monday too!

  8. I find hiking to do the same thing for me. Have a great day dear friend!

    1. That is lovely to hear KC. Thanks, you too!

  9. A lovely post Kim. I can't relate to running, but I can relate to this post. Well written and so true. Be well.

    1. Thank you. I think many of us can relate to this, runner or not :)

  10. What a great post! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, always happy to share the thoughts in my head :)

  11. What a very true analogy and a beautifully written post. I often quite like the hills, they definitely provide the sense of achievement, even mid way I think. Possibly I'd need some weather in an analogy for me - I don't like the running in the cold, windy rain!

    1. Oh yes, those hills are such an achievement, and for me, both on my runs and in life, places of growth.

      I don't much like the cold windy day runs either, but I do my best to get out there, it always feels so good once I am done :)

  12. I love this post, Kim – so I'm thinking...a) perhaps I should start running again soon and b) my life right now is definitely not a flat road if I were to use the running analogy! Hahah! So lovely to be catching up on your blog again after my hiatus! xo

    1. Haha, you are too funny. If you start again I will cheer you on :) No you are not running the flats right now, but you are slowly working your way up those hills, my friend. And I might add you are doing it beautifully. Hang in there, the downhill will be very sweet indeed! xo
