Friday, October 3, 2014


~ for the sound of crunching leaves underfoot

~ for the stunning beauty that is fall

~ for friends and their littles who love spending time in the woods with us

~ for the connection to nature my little man is developing

~ for my greatest teacher...his lessons are profound and challenge me to my core

~ for family

~ for this life, it is one that has been carved with mindfulness and intention, and it is pretty darn amazing

~ for this space, which has been the catalyst for some pretty wonderful relationships

What are you grateful for today?


  1. Love that you are grateful for the sound of the leaves. I will have to remember to listen today!

  2. What beautiful moments to capture and a wonderful list of gratitude. This morning, I'm truly grateful for my inner strength and capacity for letting go (it's been one of those up and down moments). But these days, I'm forever grateful for the slowing down of things. Our life has been so over planned the last few months. Something we will truly address in the coming year.

    have a wonderful week-end dear friend. Hugs to you and your family. xo

    1. Ah, slowing down, isn't it wonderful? It is hard in today's world to slow down and not be busy, everybody thinks you need to be busy...I call it the "glorification of busy". It isn't necessary, but it requires that we make some hard choices. Good luck as you work to slow down, I can tell you from experience, you won't regret the effort it takes.

      Wishing you a lovely weekend too Yanic. xo

  3. you've captured some stunning pictures...i really like the leaves on moss. I have so much to be grateful for... and one of them is getting to know peeps like you through this whole art of blogging !! Have a great weekend

    1. Thank you. It is pretty awesome, this whole blogging world. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. I have been sitting here gazing at your photos, especially the third one, they are all just beautiful.
    I am thankful [or at least I'm trying to be ;)] for time to work on my knitting. I am not going to think about all the items on my list that aren't being crossed off they will still be there when I am healed.
    Enjoy a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Tracey. They are from our nature walk on Wednesday. Yes, they will still be there, just sit in that rocking chair and knit away. Oh, and let those boys of yours take care of you :)

  5. Beautiful pictured and words, Kim. I think today I am most grateful for "Time" and maybe a mug of hot soup on the side ;) Be well.

    1. Thank you. Hot soup, yes, we need it today :) Happy weekend my friend. xo

  6. We have had a slow week here. I have to say....the majority of our time is slow. I am learning to tune out those voices that say we need to be "busy". Especially the voices of other moms who are sometimes appalled that my little one isn't in pre-school, a few sports, etc. She is taking a ballet class but other then that our time is ours and we are doing just fine. We do what we want, and we have the luxury of taking slow days when we need/want. It's just right :-) And I am very grateful for that today! Have a lovely weekend Kim, I am so glad to have connected with your through our blogs <3

    1. That is such a wonderful thing to be grateful for. Slow is a good way to be living.

      Me too Jen, so wonderful to be getting to know you better. Happy weekend. xo

  7. Very cute shoes. You live in a beautiful area. Autumn is my favorite season.

    1. Thanks! They are quite old, and the soles are pretty much falling off, but I love them so much I can't part with them :)

      Autumn is certainly beautiful, and we enjoying soaking up all it has to offer.

  8. Such a sweet and special blog. I resonate with everything here. You haven written so beautifully and your pictures are so captivating and I'm inspired as a natural minded mama of five! We homeschool and I cook from scratch with mostly from organic and raw/local an home produced. We have land with 2 acres and we building green and creating our farm. Currently we reside in OH as we build and gain knowledge of the land and in homesteading/food independence. We eat vegetarian and sometimes gluten free/Paleo. We cloth diaper and extended breastfeeding and enjoy being together as a family living close to nature. I love your posts and they make me feel so "normal". ;p

    I will catch up with all your posts over my morning coffee!
    Samantha Disch

    1. Awe, thanks Samantha. Haha, happy to make you feel "normal" :) Thanks for stopping by, I already hopped over and checked out your new space. Looking forward to following along on your journey.

      Happy weekend. xo

  9. So beautiful. I'm grateful for so much these days, especially right now for days of entering back into creative endeavors, and for my amazing husband, who has helped make a way for that. :)

    1. Oh how wonderful. And so great to have a supportive hubby, that always helps :)

  10. Such wonderful autumn photos!! My favorite is the last one. There's something about looking down a path that is so symbolic and beautiful to me. Fantastic pic!!! Have a great weekend!! : )

    ~ Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy. When we stepped off the trail and I looked along the path, I knew it would be a good pic.

      Hope you have a great weekend too!

  11. Such beautiful Autumn pictures, and your first item, the crunching leaves, reminds me of our walk today. The leaves haven't fallen enough yet to crunch underfoot, but the nuts were very crunchy underfoot! Or rather the nut shells - I think the squirrels have been busy. And we also loved sitting under the horse chestnut tree, and watching/listening for the conkers falling as the wind gusted, there were plenty of conkers on the ground already but there was something extra amazing about watching them fall and then pouncing on it, fresh from the tree! Have a wonderful weekend X

    1. Ah, yes we have the acorns crunching underfoot too. Sounds like a lovely way to spend some time, watching those conkers fall. Hope you have a wonderful weekend too. xo

  12. For fall and the cold wind and hot chocolate....

  13. Fall is such a wonderful time of year! Lovely things to be grateful for!

  14. I just love this time of year and I just love this post! I am so grateful for our blogs that brought us together and allow it to not feel like we live so very far apart! xo

    1. Thank you my friend. I hope you know how much our friendship means to me, it has been wonderful getting to know you better and growing our friendship. xo

    2. I totally agree and feel the exact same way (and I so owe you an email)! One day we will visit in person! xo

  15. We are just entering spring here in Australia. I love your Autumn photos although I am grateful for our warmer weather. We are looking forward to coming out of hibernation!

  16. I am grateful for October and the beauty the season provides :)

    1. Definitely something to be grateful for :)
