Monday, February 20, 2012

It's The Little Things

When I look back over my day each night before I fall asleep, I often find it is the little things that make my days so awesome. Here’s a peak at some of the little things that Justin does:
Justin is usually the first one up in the morning, a quick trip to the bathroom and them back to bed, but on his way back to bed he fills up the kettle and puts it on so the water is ready for my cup of hot water and lemon when I get up shortly after.
Reece and I head out the door after breakfast a few mornings a week, and when we get home Justin has taken the time to vacuum and tidy up a bit.
Laundry is a night time affair here as we have a smart meter and hydro rates are lower after 7pm, many nights have me going to bed before the last load goes in the dryer. So, I often ask Justin to throw the clothes in the dryer before he comes up and not once has he forgotten.
Have I mentioned yet, Justin drives while I knit?
Our evening bedtime routine with Reece includes bath, book, a nurse and then bed. Justin does bath time so I can have a little bit of time to get started on work.
And after said bath time, if I am planning to have a bath, which usually happens on the weekends, Justin will clean the tub.
Just a few of the little things Justin does to make my days so great. Yes, I definitely think I have found a keeper. Oh, and I almost forgot, Justin cleans the toilet too! Yup, a pretty great guy I have.


  1. Justin really needs to pass some tips along to his cousin Adrian! LOL!!! :)

  2. it *is* the little things! what a sweet guy! :)

  3. OMG! That more then a keeper. I would covet that like the golden ring from "Lord of the Rings". I'm so very happy for and a little jealous too!

    1. Haha!!!! He is awesome and does a lot to make my life totally amazing :)

  4. I think my favorite part is where Justin turns the kettle on so you'll have hot water in the morning. For many years my husband brought me my coffee and left it my the bed so it would be waiting when I got out of the shower. These days our schedules are flipped so I do this for him now. Yep, it's the little things!

    1. That is so sweet Tracey. I love it that you now do this for him. It is amazing how the little things add up :)
