Saturday, October 10, 2015


"A photo of my little man, once a week, every week, in 2015"
Reece, I have spent a lot of time this week following you, more specifically, following you on your scooter. You ride every day, sometimes just up the road, other times we head to a paved trail where you can really let loose, and give it your all. I love it when you ride ahead, the wind in your hair, your laughter echoing back to me. You will often stop once you feel you are far enough ahead, and then turn and look back for me. I wave, and then watch as you ride towards me, with a smile so bright it lights up my world. These are the moments, little man, the small, simple moments that bring so much joy to my days.

Joining Jodi for the 52 Project


  1. Oh what a lovely moment to have as part of your everyday- scooting on that beautiful path looks like a lot of fun!

    1. It is a lovely path, actually the one I used to play on as a child. So many memories, and I love taking Reece there to share it with him.

  2. I remember those days when our girls were little. :-)

    1. I am sure I will look back on these days too, with a smile and warm heart :)

  3. My kids love their scooters too. Even my husband has been known to get on a scooter once in a while...recently he tried to ride two at once, a foot on each, and that was quite the sight. :)

    1. It is so much fun for them, isn't it? Reece prefers the scooter over his bike, which surprised me at first.

      Hehe, I bet that would be a funny sight.

  4. What a lovely autumn picture, Kim! The girls love their scooters too! Such fun! xo

    1. Thanks Shel. I bet Reece and your girls would have so much fun scootering together :)

  5. What fun and freedom! I must admit, I'm a bit jealous of the jeans and tshirt weather. We've gone from shorts to winter gear here! :-) I hope you are having a wonderful week-end and Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Yes, I imagine it is the same kind of freedom I feel when I ride my bike :) We have had an absolutely gorgeous weekend, perfect autumn weather. I know it won't last, but we enjoyed it.

      Thanks, same to you my friend. xo

  6. I love this shot and him whizzing on with you lagging behind. And yay for helmet wearing! Safety first :)

    1. Thanks Karen. And yes, we always wear our helmet :)

  7. So fun. We love scooters around here too...

  8. just beautiful ... this expression of freedom ! xo

  9. I can just 'see' Reece whizzing along that trail from this photo, loving the freedom and exhilaration of a bit of speed.
