Monday, April 6, 2015

I Spy With My Little Eye...Something That is Green

A few days of beautiful, spring sunshine, combined with some evening rain showers, mean most of our snow is gone. There are still a few patches of snow here and there, but nothing a few warmer days won't melt away. Over the weekend I spent time in the garden, planting seeds in the cold frame, amending soil in the tunnels, and raking leaves away from some of the garden beds.

Every spring I am amazed at the little bits of green I spy peeking out from under last fall's leaves. All of the green in the photos above are perennial herbs....motherwort, comfrey, peppermint, nettles, lemon balm and catnip. To see these plants, the ones I use to heal my family, makes me smile, a deep, satisfying smile. I cherish these plants, I tend and nurture them with care and love, and as I harvest them, I offer gratitude with each snip of the scissors for the power each of them provides.

Gardening, for me, is more than just providing food for my family. Yes, that is a big part of it, but for me it is also about the journey, not just from seed to plate, but from seed to medicine, medicine that keeps us healthy and heals us. These plants, and the ones that will continue to push through the earth in the next month, are powerful in so many ways. I welcome them back as they awake, ready for another season of growth, and healing.


  1. I feel the same way! Every spring I wonder if certain plants have survived the winter, and I'm always amazed and thankful when I first start seeing tiny leaves or buds.

    1. Yes, I breathe a little sigh of relief when I see everything popping up. Such a wonderful time of year.

  2. I see them... I see them!!! Can't wait to watch your garden grow this year !!!! Have a great week Kim.xo

    1. Aren't they just beautiful!!!! I can't wait to share it with you Erica. You too, my friend. xo

  3. spring is slowly arriving and we see signs each and every walk :) Glad yours is arriving as well.

    1. Isn't it lovely Karen, seeing her arrive in all her glory.

  4. Lovely little reminders of spring. Our crocuses are up. They are always the first to herald spring in for us.

    1. Yay for crocuses. I noticed yesterday that our tulips, crocuses and daffodils have started to peek through the ground. It won't be long now...

  5. hooray! that is always a welcome site, isn't it?

  6. Oh my! So exciting to see little green shoots!! We had snow yesterday on Easter - unbelievable.

    1. It is very exciting! We had a few flakes fall yesterday too, but nothing major. And tonight there is snow in the forecast. The good news is that it won't last long, it will melt faster than it falls :)

  7. How wonderful! mine are beginning also :)

  8. It's spring!! It really finally is! And so lovely that these little shoots mean so much to your family

  9. It's nice to hear that spring has finally make her way north and green is in your landscape. I think we are going right into summer, it is going to be 85 on Wednesday!

    1. Oh goodness, that is hot Tracey. I hope you manage to stay cool, but if you can, enjoy some of that heat for me, okay?

  10. Well, we are sitting here in Southern Cal hoping for a spot of rain that is supposed to arrive tomorrow! We have too much green for this time of year, and are heading back into brown already!

    1. Oh no, sorry my friend. I have heard things have been pretty dry, and hot for you guys. I hope that rain arrives tomorrow.


  11. It is such an exciting time of year. I love the green haze of spring :)

    1. Yes, the green haze of spring. And what a lovely haze it is :)

  12. Love the photos!!!! There is something so amazing this time of year about the color green. So glad you are getting more of it - and I can't wait to see your garden in full bloom!

    1. Thanks Carlin. After a winter of white, the green is so very welcome. I can't wait to share the garden with you :)

  13. So do I, appreaciate those green leaves and their power...

  14. I know what you mean, when you are seein' green. It's an exciting scene, nature's routine.
    A little hip hop, gardener style. Your pics, the signs of plants coming back, fill me with happiness. Can't wait to see how your garden grows this year.

    1. So very exciting, especially after that winter we had :) Happy to bring a little happiness your way, and yes,I can't wait to share the garden with you this summer.

  15. Yes, keep on looking Kim- spring is definitely here!

    1. It is, and that makes me so very happy!!!

  16. Oh how exciting. Sadly, while it's been plenty green here for awhile, the lack of rain has brought the brown and orange hues back. So happy spring is making it's appearance for you all!!

    1. Thanks Summer. Sorry to hear things are not looking good your way, I hope rain falls on you soon. xo

  17. Yay! The earth is awake. Happy gardening.

  18. Oh, how jealous am I!!!! We spent 2 hours digging 2 ft of ice and snow off 2 of our beds today. The difference in temperatures a few hundred kilometers will make.

    1. I was doing that a couple of weeks ago, tough work. It is amazing how different it is. We are pretty much snow free now, just a couple of patches left. I have a good bit of the yard raked, and the perennial beds are pretty much cleaned out too. It is looking a lot like spring around here :)

  19. What is that green stuff? It looks vaguely familiar. Na. Must be from a dream. All we have here is white, white, white and more is coming down tonight and tomorrow! Can't wait to start planting and watching the boys pick leaves off of the lemon and bee balm! xx

    1. Ha! No dream, but I bet it is out your way. I heard you got more of the white stuff on the weekend. I will send some spring weather your way, okay?

  20. It's exciting to see the green sprouts popping up all over the place. Another sign that spring is right around the corner!

    1. So very exciting! I smile every time I step outside.

  21. Those first green shoots make me so happy. Spring is here!

  22. Beautiful! The sight of green after a long winter is like inhaling after holding your breath underwater for too long.

    1. Thanks Andrea, and yes, totally like that :)

  23. Hi Kim. I am excited to start some herbs this year as we learned much about herbal medicine and healing from a friend in New Hampshire. I had a huge patch of comfrey in our yard there and our friends wold use it to make healing wraps. Thanks for the photos - happy for your green :)

    1. You will love it Kristen, plants are so very powerful, and I feel so honoured to be able to work with them to keep our family healthy, and heal us when we need to be healed.

  24. I spy it too...congrats and enjoy the changing season!

  25. It is amazing how a little glimpse of something green can get us so excited! I am glad to hear you are thawing out!

    1. As always, it is the little things, right?

  26. Oh how those first signs of Spring must be so welcomed after a long and snowy winter.
    Really love the idea of using your garden not only as a source of food, but of medicine as well.
    Enjoy and soak up the changing season Kim, our Autumn is really settling in now (you know, we wear a jumper in the morning). xx

    1. They are so very welcome Chrisy. It was a harsh winter, but it is behind us now, and we have so much to look forward to.

      Ha, enjoy your cooler weather :)

  27. Hurray for green, it's always amazing how the plants reappear, seeds are such potent little things!

    1. It is amazing, like a little bit of magic every spring :)
