Monday, January 5, 2015

A Visit From the Tooth Fairy

My little man hit another milestone this weekend, loosing not one, but two teeth. The first one on Saturday, and the second on Sunday. And of course that meant two visits from the tooth fairy!

I have been pondering for a while how we would handle the tooth fairy. As you know we have chosen to leave both Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny out of our home, for various reasons, but the tooth fairy, well, she fits in so well with the path we walk. We talk about forest fairies as we hike through the woods, we look in fallen trees, and old stumps for both fairies and gnomes, and there are many adventures in the woods that include building little homes for our friends, the forest fairies and the gnomes. So, it only made sense that the tooth fairy would visit, leaving behind little treasures for my little man.

Before he went to bed on Saturday night Reece had many questions about the tooth fairy...what would happen to his tooth, how would she know he lost a tooth, what would she leave, and so on.  This poem was a perfect fit, and provided enough information to put my little man at ease.

This night, it is a special night
As fairies dance upon the roof.
All the fairies must alight,
For Reece just lost a tooth!

The Fairy Queen gives her commands
Twelve bright fairies must join hands
Then together in a circle stands
To guard Reece while he sleeps.

The Tooth Fairy into the circle leaps
The hidden tooth she takes
Ah, but has far to go
Before Reece awakes.

Three times around the world she flies
Over valleys deep and mountains high;
Skirts the storm clouds thick with thunder,
Wings over waves all wild with wonder.

Deep within their earthly homes
Finally she finds the gnomes,
Who upon the tooth must work
Never once their duty shirk.

Some are hammering, hammering, hammering,
Some the bellows blow
Others sweat at the sweltering forge
And then cry out, "Heigh ho!"

The tooth's been turned to a shining stone,
A glimmering, glowing gem
The Tooth Fairy takes the gnomes' good gift,
And curtsies to all of them.

Before the sun's first rays are shown,

She returns to Reece's bed,
To leave the shining gem,
And then away she flies!

We then tucked his tooth into a little chest, and placed it beside his bed. When he awoke in the morning the tooth was gone and in its place a beautiful, shiny gem. He was also surprised to see a little package from the tooth fairy. She left a little note saying that she likes to celebrate the first lost tooth with something special. Inside was his very own Himalayan salt candle, something he has been wanting for a while, and I thought, a perfect way to welcome this milestone for my little man. He lit it right away, and then sat staring at his new gem.

The tooth fairy also left behind something else, a little fairy dust, sprinkled here and there throughout his room. I can't tell you how excited Reece was to see where she had been, and just what she looked at in his room.

By Sunday night he was an old pro, excited that he would find another shiny new gem upon waking Monday morning, and wondering just how much fairy dust the tooth fairy might leave behind the second time.

And so begins our journey with the tooth fairy.


Reece is not quite ready to share his toothless smile, but said I could share his new Himalayan salt candle.


  1. aw, beautiful magical days created. lovely story/poem too, very fitting. i think my girl would love that lamp too, she enjoys them when she's seen them.

    1. They are just wonderful aren't they, these days filled with bits of magic and surprise. I love them so. He has been asking for one for about a year now, and when I went shopping for gems I saw it and thought it would be perfect. He seems to think so too :)

  2. Aww what a wonderful way to celebrate a new milestone- and I love the idea of their being something special for the very first tooth fairy visit; it's a beautiful candle :)

    1. Thank you, it has been a very special weekend here, with lots of magic :)

  3. How exciting to loose two teeth so close together! The Himilayan Salt Candle and gems are perfect tooth fairy gifts! As you know, Grace and Emma love to see what treasures the tooth fairy will leave for them, and all the fairy dust she leaves behind too! I feel the same way you do about the tooth fairy- she really does fit perfectly with this path we have chosen for our families. Santa is *very* minimal here and the Easter bunny is not part of our world at all. But the tooth fairy. That one always just made sense to me, too! Whenever Reece is ready we look forward to seeing his new smile! xo

    1. I know, he was pretty stoked about it :) It was talking to you about it my friend that sealed the deal for us, so big thanks to you. Reece loved it, and was excited to share everything that happened with his friend today. xo

  4. Although we do the traditional Santa, Easter Bunny (Preferably Bilby) and Tooth Fairy with Bella, l do appreciate the many different approaches to parenting and am always interested in what others do.
    Such magic created for your son Kim, and that story ..... Wow ..... Just lovely xx

    1. Thank you Chrisy. I love that we can all connect this way, even though we chose slightly different paths. Much love. xo

  5. What a special way to celebrate this milestone! I remember when our girls started loosing their baby teeth, it's bittersweet...

    1. It is definitely bittersweet, but so wonderful to witness.

  6. I love that! What a sweet memory for your little one. Such special days these are!

    1. Thank you. And yes, very special days indeed, and I am soaking them up!

  7. A beautiful story and such a fun milestone!

  8. So lovely- they are little for such a little time- wonderful how you celebrate this milestone.
    Happy New Year Kim

  9. What a great ritual. I have to admit to being a pretty slacker tooth fairy. "What? The tooth fairy didn't leave a gold dollar in the pillow last night? Maybe you just missed it. Let me check. Oh! Here it is." But it sounds like you're making it into a lot of fun.

  10. Wonderful!

    Maybe you saw the poem here?



    1. Thank you Karen. That might just be where I saw it :)

      Hope you guys are well. Happy New Year!

    2. Hi Thank you both Kim and Karen!
      Kim for recreating this poem so I could find it again after I lost my copy and Karen for the link to yellow lady bird - I totally needed those curative story ideas for my first graders.
      Here's to thoughtful, aware women!!

      Gratefully, Anna at Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor Michigan.

  11. I just LOVE the story... I've saved it for our little miss. She has 3 loose teeth (very early!) and the dentist has predicted they will fall in the next 3-6 months. I think that story will be perfect. Thank you for sharing it.

    May I ask where you got your candle? I've seen many electric plug-in ones, but no candles.

    1. Thank you Yanic. Wow, that is early. I bet she will love the story.

      That one came from a little shop we have in a town not to far from here that sells all kinds of rocks, gems, crystals, etc. I also have a salt lamp in our home, that is electric, I bought it at our health food store and I know they have the candle holder ones as well, so that might be a good place to start.

      If you can't find one let me know, we can find a way to get one to you. Or I can even take you to the little shop when you visit...see I am making plans already :)

    2. Oh, we are making plans as well... Spring could not come here fast enough. It will be a treat to get to talk to you in person! :-) Thank you... I'll call around to a few stores.

    3. Yay, glad to hear it. Can't wait to have tea with you and chat about homesteading :)

  12. What a beautiful story Kim and I am so thankful you shared it here, it is a story I must share with Emerson. Emerson has lost three teeth so far, the bottom two and one top, but the rest seem to
    be holding on pretty tight. When she first lost a tooth I sent a little tooth fairy kit that contained a book, a little bag to hold the tooth and a battery operated flame to let the tooth fairy know to please pay a visit.

    1. Thank you Tracey. I bet Emerson will love it! I have heard that sometimes the first few come out, and then it is a few months before others fall out. We will see what happens with Reece, at this point he has no other loose ones.

      What a lovely idea...the tooth fairy kit.

  13. two teeth... how exciting !!! my daughter use to leave notes (unbeknownst to me) to the tooth fairy... some of them were questionnaires that needed urgent answers. But we are way pass that stage now.

    1. Haha, so funny. My daughter used to leave hidden notes too. After she had lost a couple of teeth she seemed to think she could request the fairy to leave things - big things like bikes and world peace. The tooth fairy responded that she only had a limited amount of fairy dust and magic.

    2. Oh goodness Erica, that is too funny! Thanks we will.

      Great response Matt :)

  14. Great idea. Those Himalayan salt rocks are very neat looking. We bought one for my wife's rockhound brother. Apparently, they have some health benefits too - there are a couple of cubical citizens I work with that have them on their desks. Helps clear the air somehow?

    1. Thanks Matt. They are awesome, and yes, many health benefits. I have had one of the lamp ones for years, and it is on every day, all day. Wouldn't be without it.

  15. So sweet! This is how I was thinking about doing it. S has yet to lose a tooth but it has been on her mind for a while. I love that story too. :)

    1. Thanks KC! It has been a weekend of magic in our home, and we are all enjoying it.

  16. What a lovely way to introduce the tooth fairy. I may steal that in a couple of years :-)

    1. You are more than welcome to steal away my friend. Have fun, we sure are :)

  17. I love this! My eldest has lost a few teeth now and I am sad that I didn't make it anything special but it has been a while since any teeth came out so I think I will introduce this into our home. My youngest has yet to lose any so we can start it for her. Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny don't visit her either. Thank you so much for sharing such a special time.

    1. Thank you, my little man is still talking about it :) Hope your little ones enjoy it.

  18. Love, love, love this!!!! I really like the fact that you gave a gem, and made fairy dust. Oh how special! I was never disciplined enough to do the tooth fairy. I admit, I always forgot until a week later. Wish I had this example to use! I may have been more inspired!

    1. Thank you! I have to admit on the second night I almost forgot, but Justin reminded me, thank goodness :)

  19. I knew you would find a way to celebrate this milestone. TWO teeth?? my oh my I bet that tugs your heart :)

  20. Awe, so sweet. We follow a similar path. Santa and the Easter bunny have no place here, but the Tooth fairy does. When the time comes she will leave bits and bobbles that are fitting of a fairy, buttons, gems, acorn caps, and so forth. I like that she left an extra special gift for the first tooth. I may have to speak to her about that when the time come for Panda.

    1. Sounds just lovely my friend. I am sure the tooth fairy will think it is a wonderful idea for Panda too :)

  21. Dear Kim, this is such a sweet story! It must have been such a wonderful experience for your little man!

    1. Thank you Karin-Ida. It was very magical, and he was so excited about it. The best was watching him tell his little friend about it fun to witness.

  22. Oh wow, what a lovely way to do the tooth fairy! I love the poem it's so nice.
    Thanks for sharing such a lovely and magic post :)

    Lluisa xoxo

    1. Thanks Lluisa. That poem has been in my files for years, waiting to be used. It was magical for all of us.

  23. Congratulations little Reece! I love the candle too! My little boy (5) has been asking how long before he looses a tooth. So funny! It sounds like you are enjoying your memories together!

    1. Thanks Alexa. Reece hadn't been asking at all, so it was a total surprise to him when the tooth was loose a few weeks ago. Slowly, as we talked about it, he became more and more excited.

      We are really enjoying this time. Feeling blessed.

  24. Beautiful poem. We have not done the tooth fairy..I think mostly because the fairy would be very forgetful! I love the idea though.

    1. Haha, yes, it was a challenge the second night, but hubby reminded me :)

  25. What a special way to celebrate, I particularly love the look and sound of that candle, and the idea of the fairy dust. We do have a tooth fairy here, and there is often an exchange of little notes, the tooth fairy here has tiny handwriting, but unfortunately she does have a tendency to get a bit forgetful at times - we put it down to the very large patch she is responsible for, and sometimes the bad weather, and then occasionally she has to have a holiday too!

    1. Thanks Sally, it was really wonderful. Haha on the forgetfulness part, at least you have some good ways of explaining it :)

  26. Ohh you have made this time so magical for him. We haven't done any santa or easter bunny yet and don't really feel like we want to, but I think there is a little something different and special about the tooth fairy and this poem is just perfect. I also like your style of leaving a little gem instead of the typical money so many people do. I wonder what we'll do when we get to that point in our own journey and I really think I might have to follow your example once again. :) It all seems truly magical.

    1. There is something different about the tooth fairy, I totally agree, and I can't quite put my finger on it. What I can tell you is that it was truly magical, for all of us.

      Thank you Sara. xo

  27. that poem is perfect! i love the way you think out all of the little (and very special) details just perfectly! what fun :)

    1. It is pretty awesome. Thank you, I only get to walk this path as mother once, and I am making sure to enjoy every single moment of it.

  28. What a lovely way to celebrate his first lost tooth! I am keeping a copy of the poem

    1. Thank you Imene. Glad you like the poem, it is lovely.
