Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Morning, Noon and Night

Morning, noon and night...three little peeks into my day yesterday.

 Morning, 10:45am

 Noon, 2:30pm

Night, 5:30pm

***If you would like to play along leave your link in the comments section so I can stop by and visit.***


  1. Okay Kim, while I love seeing the baby goat, what I really want love seeing is the last photo. I don't usually wake up hungry, but this morning I did and would love to just spend the day just eating, I won't, but I would love to.

    1. I am sorry you woke up hungry, that is no fun at all. I wish I could make you up that salad, I think you would love it.

  2. Oh the sweetness in that first picture!! I'm planning on a morning, noon, night post for tomorrow. I didn't get all my pictures taken yesterday! I also didn't get a chance to comment yesterday, but I love sunflowers too! I love the idea of a sunflower house!

    1. It was pretty awesome for Reece, he loved feeding both the goats and that lambs. That is wonderful, can't wait to see the peeks into your day.

  3. Each photo is better than the last photo. Love your meal, what is all on that salad? I eat salads every lunch time and I never tire of them :)

    1. Thanks Karen. We had a pretty wonderful day yesterday. That salad....greens from the garden, red cabbage, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, avocado, tomatoes, hemp seeds, and a homemade dressing. On the side, a boiled egg (from the backyard), hummus, sauerkraut and a pickle. It was delish. I call it my salad plate and usually enjoy it a couple of times a week during the summer.

  4. Sorry I didn't play this week... things got crazy busy, then ultra still, then crazy again! Ha!
    That dinner looks amazing... Such a cute little goat, did you get goats? I'm looking forward to Little Miss developing that hand-eye coordination. We have been working on it with lacing boards.

    Wishing you many more wonderful days this week!


    1. No problem, play along when you can.

      It was amazing, when you come for a visit I will make one up for you :) No goats, this was the the farm we visited yesterday. Reece loves embroidery, and was excited to see a bird on the burlap yesterday. He choose blue so it could be an indigo bunting, his favourite bird :)

  5. What a fun day! and that dinner looks so yummy! :)

  6. Every single one of those steals my heart away! What a great day for you guys!

    1. It was a great day, but truth be told, all days around here are pretty great. We work hard to find the beauty and joy in all our days :)

  7. Oh that looks so delicious!!! And the other two pictures are so cute... :) Are you using Reece's embroidered burlap for something? Nice idea with the whale. We might try that!

    1. It was delicious :) Thank you. I actually put them in picture frames around our home at the moment. Not sure what I will do when we have too many for that, I am sure something will come to mind.

      You definitely should try it. We started out just free handing, getting use to how to move the needle in and out, then I started drawing different things on the burlap for him to follow. We have done stars, flowers, and this one, actually a bird, although I can see how you thought whale. Maybe that will be the next one :) It is a ton of fun, and one of Reece's favourite handwork sessions. Have fun!

  8. What a wonderful healthy and happy day! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Lovely images from your day Kim. I really like the clarity and light in each of them.
    So much to celebrate - visits to farms, quite time to concentrate and a yummy summer salad for dinner! Life is good.

    I'm playing along this week, our three peeks can be found here

    1. Thank you Chrisy. Life is definitely good and we are soaking it up :)

      Thanks for playing along. xo

  10. Gorgeous photos! I bet that Zero Coke bottle did not come from your place! Reece and the lamb look very cute though. Love Reece's sewing and the meal you made Kim. Hope you have a happy Wedn Kim. I'm waiting on wool to arrive in the mail. It didn't come today, now I have to wait until Fri. Hope it comes then. Take care xxoo

    1. Thanks Julie. Haha, no, that was from the farm :) New wool, exciting, hope it gets to you on Friday. xo

  11. A lovely day (just getting caught up now). I was so excited and thought you got a goat, but then read that was not the case. He sure loves those little babies. Your meals always look so tasty. I saw you wrote down the ingredients for this salad (thank you), have you considered starting a food blog or just blogging all of your yummy meals? I know I would follow. Be well.

    1. Now that would be wonderful, but no, no goats...yet :) Thank you, I enjoy cooking and think food should look as good as it tastes. I have not thought about that, but my nutrition blog is still live, even though I don't blog over there any longer. There are lots of recipes over there...yourgreenbaby.ca
