Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Morning, Noon and Night

Morning, noon and night...three little peeks into my day yesterday.

 Morning, 10:15am

Noon, 2:30pm

Night, 6:15pm

***If you would like to play along leave your link in the comments section so I can stop by and visit.***


  1. Beautiful, All of these are beautiful images of spring and new promise. A new life just opening, rich loamy earth, and a path moving forward... I'm curious about the side of the raised bed in the front. It looks like there are lines purposefully scored there. What are they? Be well.

    1. It was a beautiful day yesterday, so very grateful. I have to say we are really loving this weather, and have our fingers crossed it keeps us.

      Those lines are not there on purpose (or "by purpose" as Reece would say), or at least not put there by us. So I am not totally sure. I will take a closer look today, it may have something to do with the tree itself and the bark. It is a pine tree, so definitely possible.

      Thanks for playing along, I love the little peeks into your day :)

  2. Beautiful Kim. It must be very exciting for you....new growth, flower buds and getting the garden beds ready. Enjoy. xxoo

    1. Thanks Julie, and yes, so very exciting. We are loving it, especially after this very long winter. xo

  3. Your day looks glorious! And what beautiful garden beds! Do you guys have soil delivered or do you have your own compost piles? Every 2 years, we have soil delivered to our yard to refill our beds. This year was a "30 bags bought" kinda year! :-) I can't believe how high up your sun still was at 6pm. Just lovely

    Here are my sneaky peeks... Wishing you a week filled with equally beautiful moments!

    1. It was a beautiful day, and we soaked it up as best we could. That is delivered soil...a triple mix. We have some delivered every year, we just don't have enough compost for all the beds, and we have been moving to raised beds over the last few seasons as well, so needed a lot of soil. We might not need any next year, as this is it for the raised beds now. We do have a large compost pile, we tend to put that on the beds throughout summer if needed and then layer a little bit on top the beds in the fall.

      We are loving the sun, especially after not seeing it for a whole week. That picture is deceiving and I am not sure why, although the sun was pretty high, it does look higher in the picture. I am not complaining though, I will take it :)

      Thanks for playing along.

  4. I love the last photo Kim. Follow the green grass road!

    1. That is exactly what we did Tracey. This is the path in the forest across the road. The property is owned by our neighbours up the road, and they allow us to use it as we please.

  5. Looks like a beautiful day, so good to be able to be outside from start to finish.

    1. It was and yes, we are truly enjoying spending more time outside, than in :)

  6. Lovely moments of spring! Much calmer than my post this week. (Well the post is calm, the day was no particularly.) I hope you're getting lots of beautiful sunshine today to work in the garden and enjoy the walks.

    1. It was a spring day yesterday, and we enjoyed it. The sun is shining right now, and it is beautiful, just got back from a run. The little man is playing and once he is done we are headed out to enjoy it and do some yard work.

      Thanks for playing along.

  7. you have the blackest dirt I've ever seen. Ours is light brown at best but thankfully no clay like in Texas!! Oh and lots and lots of stones and rocks because we were once a river bed way back when.

    1. Isn't it beautiful! That is actually delivered soil, a triple mix. But we do have some lovely dirt here. We are in a quarry area and have some pretty awesome dirt, and the water is amazing too...it gets filtered through all the wonderful rock before coming into our home.

      That is so cool that you were once a river bed way back when.

  8. Looks like you have been busy in the garden!-- and looks like you had a lovely sunny day!

  9. Green!!! Oh the sun looks so wonderful! Looks like you are having a great time working in your garden.

    1. You bet we are, and after a week of rain, we are soaking up the sunshine :)

  10. One day I am going to own a wheel barrow! :)

    1. Just keep those dreams alive KC, they will come true one day. On a side note, that is a second hand wheel barrow we picked up when we moved into this house 17 years ago :)
