Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's a Pretty Simple Life

A late season milk weed pod, still sharing seeds

Not long ago I had a conversation with an acquaintance. Someone I went to high school with that I see every so often. We got around to chatting about where we are in life, and this person began to show a genuine interest in my days with Reece. There were questions about what a homeschooling day looked like for us, how we learned, how I knew what to "teach" and so on.

I am always a little excited to share our days, I do enjoy them and love the path we are on, so I chatted away. I finished my thoughts really is a pretty simple life. I didn't know how else to put it, and those words really summed it up.

It is a pretty simple life we lead. We keep things slow and easy around here. We try really hard not to get caught up in the rush of life, and instead slow down so we can enjoy the moments, all of them. I will admit that there are times we find ourselves being pushed along in the rush, but as a someone who really dislikes the rat race, and the speed at which it travels, I am pretty quick to reign it all in, putting the brakes on hard so we can breath again.

Both Justin and I like being home. We love our little space on this earth, and we enjoy spending time here. When days get too busy and there is less time at home we feel it, deep inside, like a gnawing ache, reminding us to return to our roots, to our home, to the simple life.

It's a pretty simple life, and we like it that way.


  1. I am with you on the simple life. While raising our children we limited their extra curricular activities while in the elementary years. Their afternoon and evenings were spent outside pretending under a thicket of trees. Magic wands were crafted, pies were created and they were quite happy. Now that they are adults they fondly remember their childhood :)

    The older I get the more I love being at home for days on end!!

    1. Oh this is so nice to hear Karen. We have decided to limit extra curricular activities too, especially in the evenings, that time of day is just so precious to us as a family. I love knowing that your children look back with fondness at that time. Thank you.

  2. Oh, how I love this post and how truly deeply it resonates with my soul! I love the way we live too and have often said those same words: "It's a pretty simple life." I love everything about the way we live, the slow pace of our days, the old fashionedness of it all (with a modern twist every now and again). I love that my girls are having a true childhood and are learning all sorts of timeless things along the way! xo

    1. A true childhood...that is so what I want for Reece. A good old fashioned childhood. So far so good :)

  3. We are really chill people too. The other week I had something going on everyday and it totally wiped me out. We spend at most two days a week out doing an activity.

    Sometimes I feel like even my own desire to be crafty can make me too busy. That's when i shut the office door and sit down with a book instead.

    1. We are the same KC, two days out of the house during the week and three days at home. The weekends are a mix just depending on what is going on, but we always try to balance the weekends so we get some chill at home time.

  4. Simple is good. As they say, 'simplicity is beauty'. Enjoy it - such a wonderful blessing, the path you are on :) xo

  5. You lead a beautiful life, Kim! Simple is beautiful.

  6. Love this. As a person who has found herself (and her children) caught in the rat race of which you speak, I love reading about your days. While my girls both love what they do (they both adore playing soccer which seems hard to do in a simple way here!), I work hard to carve out simple moments in each day. It is so, so important.

    1. Thanks Stacey. I think that is the key, carving out those simple moments, so you can breath and listen to the beating of your own heart.

  7. Oh, simplicity is wonderful - and what a gift to your family (and yourself)! Love it.

    1. It is both of those things...wonderful and a gift :)
