Monday, November 11, 2013

I Dared

I dared to forge a path,
my own path.
To listen to my heart,
to follow my gut.

I dared to put myself out there
without fear,
but with hope.

I dared to keep walking forward,
with that hope,
even when insecurity crept in.

I dared to step out of the box.
The box that felt
claustrophobic and limiting.

I dared to let go
when holding on was too painful.

I dared to be me
in a world that can be
judgemental and unforgiving.

I dared to accept myself,
flaws and all,
with the confident knowledge that
I am enough.

I dare because
it brings happiness.
In that happiness
I find contentment.
When I dare,
I do so from the
deepest parts
of my being.

I dare
because who I am,
who I really am,

Inspired by November Prompt-a-Day


  1. I'm so glad you Dare dear Kim and yes, who you really are does matter. Love this.

  2. This was lovely! I never get to write until the late evening. Then it's too late I can't post the writing from the day before... It was so wonderful to talk to you Kim. I don't know why it took us so long!

    1. Thanks KC. I fall into the same problem, sometimes I work a day ahead on the prompt so I can post it if it feels right to do so :)

      And yes, so wonderful to finally chat with you, we must do it again soon :)

  3. love the last line the very best. Wonderful words :)

  4. i'm with karen, i love that final line. so much of this resonates with me kim, brava!

    1. Thank you Amanda, this means a lot coming from you :)

  5. Beautiful and inspiring my friend. You are incredible and such an inspiration to so many I am sure, to myself for certain.
