Monday, July 1, 2013

Our Weekend

This weekend has been:

~ slow mornings by the fire, with a cup of tea and knitting in hand, while everyone else slept in

~ a family trip to the market, then lunch by the water at the Silver Bean Cafe

~ an afternoon in the garden weeding while the little man ran around chasing butterflies

~ dinner on the back deck while watching one of the baby wrens leave the nest

~ a quiet evening

~ Sunday found us catching up with my parents and hearing all about their wonderful trip to Vancouver and Victoria

~ some afternoon fun at the lake

~ another dinner on the back deck, then a bonfire complete with s'mores and a few sparklers

It was a fun, family weekend filled with laughter, love and living in the was perfection. And we still have one more day!

Today we celebrate our great country. It is a beautiful place to live and I am so happy to call this country home.

Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians!!!


  1. I haven't done sparklers in ages! What fun. I remember when I would go visit my dad he would light a fire in the fire pit outside and we would light sparklers and roast marshmallows.

    That feels like an ancient memory.

  2. sounds like a fun weekend. great pictures!

  3. happy Canada day. i really like the mug in the first picture.

    1. Thanks, we had a lovely day. My favourite mug, I actually have a set of them and I love them too :)

  4. happy Canada Day a little late :) Lovely weekend, I used to love chasing butterflies-nothing like it! I am envious of that beautiful mug too :)

    1. Thanks Karen. We were chasing more much fun!
