Thursday, January 7, 2016
Finding Our Homeschool Groove
I haven't written much about our homeschooling journey this year, and with a few of you asking about it, I thought I would share what I could. Truth be told, I have not felt the pull to write about our homeschooling journey. I am not sure why, it is just something I haven't felt the desire to write about. That is not to say things aren't going well, in fact, things are going better than I ever dreamed. Way back in September we easily settled into our new rhythm for grade 1, and Reece and his little friend greeted each main lesson with enthusiasm and excitement. It is such a joy to teach little ones who have a love and desire to learn. Yes, there are days when one, or both of them drag their feet a bit, heck there are days when I have to pump myself up before we start, but most of our days are met with a bright smile, and two kiddos ready for the challenge of main lesson.
We "school" three days a week, and every day begins with a nature walk followed by a snack, and then usually an hour and half to two hour main lesson. The kiddos then have some free play while I make lunch. After lunch we head outside for some fresh air and to check on the chickens, and then we head back inside for read aloud. After that each afternoon has a specific goal. On Monday's we do handwork, with this year focusing on knitting, Tuesday's the kids make soup and bake bread for our dinner that night, and Thursday's we do some watercolour. The days always end with free play before Reece's little friend heads home. I don't schedule any of this by time, but by how we all feel. Some days we stay outside longer after lunch than other days, and have a shorter read aloud time, other days we might be so into our reading that our knitting time is a little shorter, and sometimes they knit while I read. So while we accomplish most things that I hope we will, it is all done at our own pace. It is a rhythm, not a schedule, and it is what I love most about our days. The simple, flowing rhythm that allows us time and space to sink into moments but also allows us to get done what we need to get done. It really is a beautiful thing.
When we are in the midst of main lesson each morning, I am often in awe at the focus and concentration I see. As we began our journey into grade 1 in September, I thought I might blog about what we were doing, sharing a little of Reece's main lesson work, and maybe even little updates on the things we were doing. But when we actually sat down to main lesson and I witnessed the focus and concentration the last thing I wanted to do was interrupt that by taking photos. And not only that, but grabbing the camera would have taken me out of the moment as well, and honestly, there is no other place I want to be during that time then fully present in what they are doing. It feels like a gift, to witness this journey they are on, and three mornings a week I get the privilege of opening that gift.
And so, maybe that is why not much has been shared here about our homeschooling journey this year. And I can honestly say, I don't think much will be shared in the months to come, it just feels right for me to sink into these days with them, and leave the journaling of it behind.
Photos taken during our nature walk on Monday this week, that we actually moved to the afternoon that day, simply because we can.
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How lovely and peaceful it seems, just to read that I must say I'm so happy to know your rhythm, and all the outside time included in your "school" days, what a dream !!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sandra, sometimes these days are dreamy and peaceful, other days not so much, but for the most part they are pretty darn good, and we all enjoy them. And yes, outside time is a must in school days around here :)
DeleteI always love to read about how others organise their home schooling/education. It inspires and always gives me ideas. Thank you for sharing this, enjoy the year!
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome. I love reading how others "school" too, we can all be inspired and learn something from each other :)
DeleteSounds perfect Kim. Love that you have a rhythm and not a schedule. I would love to homeschool but both my kids don't want it, and pretty much everyone around me is advising me against it too. But i have realised that so many of the 'melt-downs' around here are from the difficulty of conforming to/keeping up with, the school shedule - which is, for want of a better word, 'punishing'. My eldest has to leave at 7.15 in the dark to catch the bus into town and rarely gets home before 5 - he's only just turned 11! My husband wants to move to Norway for next winter so I will have to homeschool the boys, maybe it will change their minds...
ReplyDeleteTried teaching Tino (7) to knit last night (at his request) and it was like pulling teeth - any tips?
Thanks Emma. That is a tough spot to be in, wanting to do it, but not having kiddos who are interested. That is a long day for your eldest, and I can totally understand feeling the need to let it all out once they get home. Norway next winter, how exciting!!! Can't wait to hear more about that :)
DeleteHmmm...did you use the knitting verse "In through the front door, run around back, peek through the window, off jumps Jack" It worked like a charm for us, that and lots of hands on help. I had Reece sit on my lap, and we knit together and said the verse. Then, he tried, still sitting on my lap, so I could help as needed. And then I did the same with the other little one. Hope that helps.
Sounds like just the right reason to want to keep those moments for yourself. I've found myself less and less of a "camera-person" lately for similar reasons. It's nice to lose yourself in those moments. And with the snow now, bringing along my camera means I can't play and roll around with them the way I truly want to.
ReplyDeleteI hope the second half of your year is filled with wonder and many magical moments.
Thank you my friend. I am so excited about the second half of our year, and I hope the kiddos will be too :)
DeleteThank you for sharing about your homeschool routines, Kim. My homeschool situation is somewhat different because we have some of both - four mornings at "regular school" and daily homeschool in the afternoons - but I am always interested in learning more about how others approach it. I do not tend to photograph much of our homeschool time either; for one thing, we're very busy and quite immersed in it while it's going on, but also it just doesn't feel right to me. My husband and I consult every night on their learning and prepare lessons for the following day, and we work on longer-term things together frequently as well. But I try not to be too rigid about any of it; life happens and while we do have requirements to fulfill for the school, most of what we do at home is fluid and flexible, which I enjoy much more. I hope you're having a good week, Kim.
ReplyDeleteI agree, it is always nice to hear how others approach homeschooling. Always a good way to gain inspiration. I think there is a part of me that also doesn't feel quite right about photographing and sharing his work. I can't quite pinpoint why, but it's there, and so I have listened to that little voice.
DeleteI love that homeschooling allows us to let life happen around us, and can be worked around life, and the ups and downs that are part of it.
It is magical when everything falls into place and you watch the concentration and wonder in their eyes. Your homeschool days sound just beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteIt is very magical, and I am so very happy to be able to witness it, and share in their learning process. Thank you.
DeleteI understand you wanting to hold this journey close Kim and not put it all out there. This really is such a special time and it will go by so quickly.
ReplyDeleteAs your journey begins, mine is ending, and except for Algebra 2 I am going to miss these days.
For some reason Tracey, I knew you would totally get it :) Thank you.
DeleteWonderful job. Keep at it mama!
ReplyDeleteThank you my friend. xo
DeleteSounds like a great school day--I want my own daily schedule to look like that--nature walk, lunch, reading, knitting, soup and bread. :)
ReplyDeleteHa!! Yeah, I guess when you look at it that way, it's a pretty good day. I would take it :)
DeleteI love the 3rd image! And I enjoyed reading this eventhough home-schooling is not on our agenda... But your days sound so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Jandi, and thank you for your kind words :)
DeleteI have not often talked about our homeschooling either, therefore I understand you well. It's a nice pace that you set for your training routine with the rhythm of nature, well done ... it is very beautiful my friend
ReplyDeleteThank you Chantall.
DeleteI agree with a cameraless classroom. It just doesn't go with the flow of your days with the children. I loved reading about their education and how you have a roughly sketched out theme for each day. Yay for knitting!!
ReplyDeleteIt really doesn't. I think my only regret about it is that I usually do a little photo book at the end of the year for the little one I homeschool with Reece, and this year so far there aren't many photos.
DeleteYes, knitting is a big part of our year in grade 1. I took the kiddos to the yarn shop this week so they could pick yarn for their next project. They are knitting ponies :)
It's funny - I've found the same thing this year, thinking of documenting Julia's year. I do take some pictures, but not very many, because I don't want to disturb her concentration. Most of the photos are of more active projects where floating around with the camera doesn't bother anyone much. I thought it was just me, but maybe it's the age? xo
ReplyDeleteIt could be the age, or maybe just that the camera doesn't really fit into homeschool days. I don't know, I just can't imagine pulling it out when they are so focused and interested in what they are doing. I think I would feel like I was intruding on something really special.
DeleteHope you are well my friend. I have missed you in your space, and was so happy to see you back. Happy New Year, I hope 2016 is good to you. xo
I have been thinking about changing things around to doing lessons three days a week so it was interesting to read your scheduling. I always love seeing how others do it. As for the photo taking, I totally agree. I too, have not been posting to my family blog as much because I just want to be in the moment. :)
ReplyDeleteI feel such a strong pull to just be there, in the moment, with them, and so I am going with it. I love our three day school rhythm, it really works for us, and leaves us two days for other things...usually time in the woods :)
DeleteSounds like a lovely rhythm! ☺
ReplyDeleteThank you my friend. xo
DeletePrayers and good wishes to you as you and your son begin a new year journey together. You are a courageous woman. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Deb. xo
DeleteBeautifully written Kim. No need to document everything, even if it is tempting sometimes. Finding a balance can be tricky. This is a good reminder :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you Marie. It can be tempting, and while there is some documenting on my own, in a journal, and also with Reece's main lesson book, I think that is enough, for now. Yes, the balance thing is always a little tricky, keeps us on our toes :)
DeleteSounds about the same for us! I rarely take photos of what we are doing as far learning. Sounds like you are having a great time though!
ReplyDeleteWe are having the best time, and I so enjoy being a part of their day to day learning. Such a gift.
DeleteThat phrase 'simply because we can', is something I love about Maria's time at home too. But I could do with getting myself as organised as you are!
ReplyDeleteI think that is what I love most about homeschooling, the flexibility to do something "simply because we can". I don't do it often, as both the kiddos love the predictability of our daily rhythm, and thrive on it, but just knowing I can is enough.
DeleteAh, yes the organization, always the hard part. I am a true type A my friend, it comes naturally to me :)
I do so love hearing about your homeschooling journey. It's been quite an inspiration to see how its done! Your simple rhythm is quite inspiring. Something we are still working toward. I'd love to hear more about the lessons you are focusing on with Reece and his friend. Happy Days to you Kim! xoxo!
ReplyDeleteThank you Summer. I love the simplicity of our days, and being able to share little bits of them here makes me happy. Glad you are enjoying hearing about them.
DeleteAs for lessons, for grade 1 we are using the Lavender Blue curriculum as our guide, and enjoying the lessons very much. I love how language arts and math are presented to the kiddos, and they are thoroughly enjoying the artistic way everything is presented.
Happy days to you too! xo