Monday, April 22, 2013

Our Weekend

Our weekend started on Friday morning with pancakes topped with our maple syrup. Reece and I then headed out to do a few errands and headed home for an afternoon of playing, reading, crafting and a little nature walk in the woods. Justin and Reece had a daddy and son night at home and I headed out for an inspiring evening with some ladies from our community. We started the evening with a hike in the woods and then enjoyed a gratitude blessing, shared some stories and nature treasures, talked and sang together around a fire. It was an amazing evening and I felt so very full of inspiration, love and gratitude driving home.

We awoke Saturday morning to a dusting of snow and strong winds. Our plans to do some yard work were quickly changed and we hit a local book sale in the morning and spent the afternoon "arting" together. It was the perfect way to spend a windy, cool and snowy spring day.

Another dusting of snow greeted us on Sunday morning, but the sun came out and the temperature went up so it quickly melted. We got outside right after breakfast to get some yard work done. There was a little surprise in one of our raised beds...the garlic is up! So exciting! After lunch we met my parents for tea and a hike, then it was home to enjoy vegan BLTs for dinner.

We have officially declared it a long weekend to celebrate Earth Day. We plan to enjoy as much time outside today as we can. I have a few fun activities planned and will be sure to share them with you tomorrow. Happy Earth Day!

How was your weekend?

Joining in with Amanda


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time! I remember the first time I planted garlic and it came up! I was so excited. It came up all to quickly in Tucson though! I planted it in November in came up in December and then had to winter until May!

    Our weekend was fun. We spent all day out and about yesterday at the aquarium in Monaco. We went to the park on a cliff side and then came home and made a yummy dinner.

  2. Snow? Ugh. We had some this weekend too... now the sun is shining and though it's not warm, I plan to go out as much as we can. Happy Earth Day!

    1. It wasn't fun, that's for sure. But today, today made up for it, it was lovely and we had a great day!

  3. LOVE the first image- looks so nice. The arting sounds so fun- checking out that link. Glad you had a great weekend.

    1. Thanks, it was a really lovely evening. Arting is such a great word and so much fun!!!!

  4. happy earth day! I agree the first photo is fantastic! I think the days of inches of snow are behind and only more spring days ahead!!

    1. Thanks Karen. I think so too, thank goodness :)

  5. Sounds like a wonderful idea! (But "BOOO!" to the snow.)

    1. Thanks, we enjoyed the extended weekend :)

  6. What a lovely weekend :)

    And that garlic! Exciting!

    1. Thanks Renee, it was. And yes, it is always exciting to see the garlic come up :)

  7. Seriously beautiful photos in this post, Kim! I love the juxtaposition of the images.

  8. Sounds so wonderful...and vegan BLTs? YUM! Our weekend was full of trying to do things around the house. We are restarting our garden in a new spot since we have been moving things around the past few years, but here it will stay until we are lucky enough to move to another area of town.

    1. Yes, they are so good! I will send you the recipe soon :) How nice to get outside and in the garden, hope it all goes well in its new spot.

  9. sounds like a great weeekend. personally, i need to get more arting in my weekends.

    1. It was. I think we all need more arting in our weekends :)
