I am finding great solace these days in quiet....in my home, in my life, in this space. I have come here many times to write, but find myself staring at the blank document not quite sure what to share with you. As many of you shared your words, goals, intentions and desires for 2017, I sat back pondering exactly what I want 2017 to be about. And to be honest, I still am not totally sure.
Yes, I have set many goals for this year for work, for life, for my homestead, but it all feels safe, within my comfort zone, and I am ready to step out of my comfort zone. Towards the end of 2016 I walked a few of my edges, trying a few new things on this journey of discovering more of who I am. It was thrilling in many ways, a little scary, okay, a lot scary, and absolutely amazing. It's never easy to step out of your box, to do something unexpected, and it certainly has no guarantee of being a worthwhile experience, but if we don't do it, if we don't challenge ourselves to keep growing, learning and changing we stagnate, and if I am being truly honest, a little bit of who we are dies each day in that stagnation.
So, back to 2017...I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want this year to be about. I do know I want to walk more of my edges, step out of the comfort zones I have created for myself. I am not sure what that looks like yet, but I do know that I will allow myself to be open to possibility, and I will look for opportunities that challenge who I am and step forward into them with courage, confident that they will help me on this continual journey of self discovery.
Now, tell me, friends, how are you doing with your intentions for 2017?
good luck! I am trying (trying!) to try a new recipe once a week and really get serious about good clean food. Those holiday treats have bogged me down :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Karen! Sounds like you have a good plan for 2017, I hope you'll share some successful recipes, I could always use some inspiration :)
Deletehope u have a great year ahead! like u said it here urself ...do things u have never done before,challenge urself and u will eventually get to live the life u deserve :)
ReplyDeleteLove these thoughts Kim! I haven't really set any intentions for myself this year. But I have been FEELING what your sharing here. I need to push outside my comfort zone. Its hard to do, but it certainly makes a person feel alive.
ReplyDeleteAlive...perfect word for how I feel when I push myself outside my self imposed box ;)