Monday, April 18, 2016

Good for the Soul

Friday morning nature walk with friends

Sunday morning hike and picnic with my little man

I am not even sure where to begin this post except to say that this weekend was good for the soul, and has left me filled to the brim with goodness. It started Friday morning at our weekly nature day adventure with friends. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and old and new friends came out. As we hiked and chatted, I noticed the ramps peeking through the ground, and the first coltsfoot flowers. The kids climbed trees, and us adult sat around on the forest floor snacking and watching. It was a glorious morning, and honestly a wonderful way to kick start our weekend. We lunched at a friends house before heading home to hang out in the backyard, where we enjoyed dinner on the back deck.

I spent Saturday morning with a lovely group of young ladies in my lotions and potions class. We spent two and half hours making soap, body butter and tinted lip balm, and had a great time. Once the products were made, together we chose herbs to make an herbal tea, and the girls sat on the back deck drinking tea, enjoying a snack and chatting. It was lovely, in so many ways. The rest of Saturday was tied up with a few errands, and then happy hour and dinner on the back deck. Reece and I watched a movie Saturday night, and tucked ourselves in a little later than usual.

It was all about pancakes Sunday morning, and my little man was pretty excited about that. After he ate more than me, we packed up the backpack and hit a new to us trail for a hike and the first picnic of the year. It was a stunning hike, and Reece is already asking to head back there and wants to bring his little homeschool friend along with us. I think I can arrange that. Sunday afternoon was all about the garden. With the sun shining on my back, and my hands in the dirt I felt a deep connection to nature, and to this land. It happens every year, this feeling of being connected to this place, it's like a warm hug from an old friend. I planted kale, Swiss chard, spinach and salad greens in the cold frame, and did a first planting of peas. Over the next few weeks more of the same will be planted, and fingers crossed it won't be long before we are eating fresh food from the backyard again. While I worked in the garden, Reece got busy with his work of the day...washing his scooter, playing in the sandbox, drawing, and playing with toys. We enjoyed dinner on the back deck again, and then a beautiful evening walk.

This weekend was so good for the soul, in ways that are hard to express. I feel full, and happy, and honestly, it feels pretty darn great!

How was your weekend, friends?


  1. Good for the soul, yes, here too Kim. There really is something to getting your hands dirty, connecting to your land that touches deep!
    Thanks for making me smile this morning!

    1. I am glad you had a soul filling weekend my friend, I know how much you needed it.

      Thank you for stopping in :)

  2. fun weekend Kim :) you sound "content" and that is worth way more than manic happiness!! I think that if your son ate more than you, you're going to see a major growth spurt this year!!!

    1. Thank you for noticing that Karen, I am content, and it feels good. Life is still a roller coaster ride at times, but I am happy and content with my life and where it is going, so not much is getting me down.

      Yes, I think so too. He has been eating like crazy these days :)

  3. It all sounds wonderful Kim! My weekend was grear as well. After a few errands on Saturday I had a few hours to use for knitting. Sunday startedi with a walk in the Schönbrunn castlepark and then I spent my day in my sewing room making four different projectbags for my knitting projects! Such satisfaction I love creating things!

    1. Thanks Karin-Ida! And your weekend sounds just as wonderful. I love that feeling of satisfaction that comes with making things, such a good feeling. Enjoy it, my friend.

  4. What a wonderful few days you have had. It looks like Spring has well and truly sprung for you, we are back to snow and cold temps!

    1. Oh yes, it has, in a big way. We are actually having summer like weather. It is glorious! I will send some your way.

  5. What a wonderful weekend you've had. Any day that starts with pancakes is sure to be a good one!

    1. Ha, yes, indeed, especially if you ask Reece :)

  6. I'm so glad you had such a fulfilling weekend, Kim. It sounds like the perfect mix of relaxation and productivity. That's the best kind of weekend, I think. I hope this week is good for you as well.

    1. Thanks Jennifer. I agree, if you can find that balance of relaxing and still getting some things done, you really do have a great weekend :)

      Wishing you a wonderful week too.

  7. Sounds like a beautiful weekend and it sounds like you are in a good place right now.

    1. Thanks Anke, I am in a really good place right now. Moving on, in a good way, and finding happiness :)

  8. So nice to read your words and feel your happiness! Sending love to you and Reece. Xxo

    1. Thank you my friend. Love coming right back to all of you. Hope you're having a great time on your travels. xo

  9. It sounds like a wonderful weekend, and hoping your week has started as your weekend left off. To be honest I'm feeling like my weekend was way too long ago already, and it's only Tuesday! But I'm going to be out in the garden this afternoon hopefully so maybe that will chill me out a little!

    1. Thanks Sally, so far the week has been wonderful, and the sun has been shining....and that in itself makes me happy :)

      I hope your time in the garden was restorative for you. Hugs. xo

  10. Looks like fun. I am so glad Spring is here and we can all enjoy.
    Being outside this last week has felt so amazing. Our weekend was long but good.
    A park, museum, bit of the outdoors, church, seeing friends. Working on getting pics on the blog hopefully by Thursday.

    1. It was a lot of fun, thanks. Yes, to spring being here, it feels so good. Sounds like you had a full weekend, can't wait to see photos when you get them up.

  11. It's still so wintery there! We are topping out at 90 degrees today. We just got back from Italy on Monday so my weekend feels like a blur.

    1. Not really, but I guess that is all in your perception :) We are definitely in spring mode, and enjoying the sunshine and warmth.

      I bet. Glad to hear you arrived home safe and sound.

  12. Spring, Sun, Nature - all great things for the soul.

  13. Seems like a wonderful time all around. I can't believe you guys are walking around in tshirts. We are still all bundled up. Send some of that heat our way okay?

    1. It was! I wish we could say we were still walking around in t-shirts, sadly it was snowing today :( Hopefully the heat left us and is finding it's way to you.
