Monday, May 16, 2016

Peep, Peep!

There are a few new additions to our little homestead...chicks! Twelve of them. They arrived here on Friday, and have been entertaining us ever since. At the moment they are living in a big plastic bin, inside the house. The nights are still pretty cool, but once they warm up I will move then out to the cottage, and eventually into the coop with our other flock.

This year we did a large chick order with a friend which allowed us to order a variety of chicks making both Reece and I very happy. The breeds we settled on are: silver lakenvelder, buff orphington, new hampshire red, white leghorn, ameraucana, barnevelder and welsummer. It is quite the variety, and I love seeing all the different breeds with their markings and different colouring. So beautiful.

We set up a little run for them outside today, and they had a wonderful time frolicking in the sunshine, free ranging for the first time. They spent just over an hour out there and when I brought them back in they were exhausted. I can't tell you how cute it is to see twelve chicks snuggled up, soundly sleeping.

As with all things in the spring, chicks offer a sense of hope, and promise. Welcoming them onto our homestead, watching them grow, tending and nurturing them, and waiting patiently for the first eggs they lay. They bring hope to our bit of land, and a little magic too.

Welcome home little chicks.


  1. So sweet! I love baby chicks. I can't wait to have some again. Have fun with your little peepers!

    1. Thanks Jennifer. I love them too, always so much fun to have around.

  2. I do love chickens! I wish I could raise some however my little concreted courtyard isn't the place for them!

    1. Us too Leisa :) Yeah, not the best place to raise chickens, but maybe one day...

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, we think so too! Received your letter in the mail yesterday, it made my day, thank you. Will write back soon. xo

  4. So cute! All our girls are molting in the heat. They look like they have bad feather cuts!

    1. Haha, they are so funny when they are molting :)

  5. so adorable ! If I didn't live in town, I would have loved to welcome a few hens and chicks !

    1. Thanks, we are pretty smitten with them :)

  6. how delightful and tiny!!! congrats to your growing family and I bet your son is having a wonderful time with them.

    1. Thanks Karen. Reece is loving them, and having so much fun!

  7. Hi Kim, how wonderful, Reece must be so excited. Do you give them all names?

    1. He is, Emma. Some have names, others not yet. Waiting til their adult feathers come in :)

  8. Oh my goodness... they are SO adorable! What beautiful colors. I can't wait to see them develop.

    1. They are pretty cute! They have been free ranging every day, and loving the sunshine and grass. Getting bigger too.

  9. Ahhh, they are so cute! Reece must be loving them, and your flock sounds like it will be very colourful and special when they're grown up.

    1. He is! And yes, I can't wait til their adult feathers come in...should be a beautiful flock.

  10. Yes, there is something magical about baby chicks...isn't there?!

  11. They are adorable. I wanted chickens so bad, but my boys are allergic to eggs. One day maybe we can look at adopting chickens that don't lay anymore :)

    1. You should see them now, so big! Darn, not fun. I guess you could always keep chickens and sell the eggs :)
